The 5th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, also known as Media Art Histories 2013 'Renew', will be hosted by RIXC and held in Riga, Latvia, 8-11. October 2013, coinciding with the international festival for new media culture Art+Communication. It will host three days of keynotes, panels and poster sessions on the histories of networked digital, electronic and technological media arts.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Prof. Dr. Peter WEIBEL / ZKM,
Prof. Dr. Erkki HUHTAMO / UCLA,
& t.b.a.
Besides general topics of the call, the theme of Renew, Media Art History 2013 addresses current tendencies in sustainability quests from various perspectives. As media art is based on increasingly out-dating technology and it is dependent on energy (electricity) the conference will discuss sustainable approaches towards the issues of producing, preserving and representing media artworks – how to 'renew' them through both – tools and histories. By focusing on networked media arts, the Renew conference will cover a broad range of topics to include early communication art (mail, fax, radio, satellite, etc.), net.art and net.radio, open source and network culture, locative media and wireless communities, hybrid networks and electromagnetic art, and last but not least – artistic investigations in sustainability, and future visions of art within the convergence of information and energy technologies.
EXTENDED DEADLINE for abstracts: February 15, 2013.
Further information on submission below.
Notification of acceptance will be announced in March 25, 2013.
Individual proposals should consist of a 250-word abstract with title.
Proposals and inquiries regarding submissions should be made on www.mediaarthistory.org web-site,
via the Call for papers Submission page.
Proposed topics:
* Histories of networked art and media technologies
* Archiving, preserving and representing new media art
* Media archaeology
* Paradigm shift - from new media to post-media conditions in art
* Writing histories of media art across Eastern Europe and the Baltics
* Revising the geospatial aspects - for writing comparative media art histories
* Resilient networks and emerging 'techno-ecological' art practices
* Multifarious potential of expression in media art - 'new imagery' of our times
* Image credit: A view from the “WE ARE ON THE NET. net.art.lv” exhibition at kim?/RIXC gallery, Riga, Latvia, November-December, 2010. Photo: Raitis Smits.
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