A bioart workshop with Lucas Czjzek from the Bioart Club pavillon_35 (Vienna, Austria).
Yeastograms are alive images out of yeast cells and produced in a photography like process. The yeastogram method has been developed by artists and scientists of pavillon_35. Lucas Czjzek, one of the developers, used this method for his work ANIMA. During the 3 days workshop Lucas Czjzek from the bioart club pavillon_35 is showing a method to cultivate baker’s yeast and how to shape the cultivation according to aesthetic and artistic decisions.
The workshop explores the utilization of living organisms in artistic formation and expression using amateur
Date: 9-11.12.2013
Place: Pixelache and Bioart Society office (Kaasutehtaankatu 1, building 7, A-staircase, 00540 Helsinki)
For registration: send an email to erich.berger((((@))))bioartsociety.fi until 2nd of December (extended till 6.12)
No prior knowledge is necessary.
Participation contribution 10.- EURO – Coffee/Tee included. Workshop
> First day 9th Dec. 17-21h: Preparation the culture medium and plating of the petri dishes. Design and preparation of graphics stencils.
> Second day 10th Dec. 17-21h: Culturing of the yeast. Stencil exposure and incubation of the petri dishes.
> Third day 11th Dec. 19-21h: Review of the results, discussion of artistic possibilities, socializing.
Lucas Czjzek was born and grew up in Vienna. He studied Digital Arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and took residencies in Berlin and California. Lucas worked as high-end chocolatier for a year and currently works as filmmaker and producer at a media agency. Since January 2013 artistic works with biological materials.
pavillon_35 is a bioart club founded by Günter Seyfried and Niki Passath in February 2012 in Vienna to produce activities related to biological arts on many layers.
The workshop is a coproduction of Pixelache and the Finnish Society of Bioart.
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A bioart workshop with Lucas Czjzek from theBioart Club pavillon_35(Vienna, Austria).
Yeastograms are alive images out of yeast cells and produced in a photography like process. The yeastogram method has been developed by artists and scientists ofpavillon_35. Lucas Czjzek, one of the developers, used this method for his workANIMA. During the 3 days workshop Lucas Czjzek from the bioart club pavillon_35 is showing a method to cultivate baker’s yeast and how to shape the cultivation according to aesthetic and artistic decisions.
The workshop explores the utilization of living organisms in...