Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @tlmota: *trocentas semanas pra responder origem do dinheiro
queiroz: 1,2 milhão vem de revenda de carros
é verdade esse bilete https:…
RT @hsfi: Oikeustieteilijät arvostelevat voimakkaasti salaista tiedustelua, josta ei koskaan kerrottaisi kansalaisille – eduskunta julkaisi…
RT @psliker: As it turns out, Jesus was an economic justice activist who died fighting for the cancellation of people’s debts. In fact, the…
RT @Info_Activism: Finding all of the trees in the world with machine learning
Yes but if they all just were in claustrophobia inducing underground tubes the cities would be like paradises.
RT @MaryLizThomson: This should be the main deciding factor for every human - do we want a habitable planet for humans beyond the next 20-5…
Assinado: Tio Olavinho
RT @Peters_Glen: Global fossil CO₂ emissions may rise more than 2% in 2018!
The rapid growth in renewables has not been enough to stop a r…
RT @TheInterceptBr: Há uma tendência da imprensa mundial em querer apontar os absurdos dos extremistas, mas são exatamente esses mesmos abs…
RT @julmaria_: Tässä on hiukan haasteita terminologian kanssa*, mutta silti tosi kiinnostava juttu suomalaisen feminismin historiasta
RT @anapuakamuniz: Incêndio em escola indígena é investigado pela polícia
Mais uma vez incêndio ocorre em imóvel localizado em terras Panka…
Jos tässä keksin, kuinka käyttää yhdistyslainsäädäntöä johonkin pöljään bitcoin-louhintajuoneen, niin tässä nimi tu…
RT @existentialcoms: Ever notice how C-3PO can make any sound, but still speaks alien dialectics with a British accent? The only explanatio…
RT @PetraLaiti: "– Hongkongin pörssi kertoo Dragon Miningin Suomen kaivoshankkeista enemmän kuin Pirkanmaan ja Satakunnan ELY-keskukset yht…
RT @kestinen: Ajatelkaa jos Kolumbus olisi ollut suomenruotsalainen.
Toffe och sin segelbåt ”Sankta Lucia”. Med stöd från Kulturfonden oc…
RT @tictoc: 🔊SOUND ON: NASA released audio of Martian winds recorded by the InSight Mars lander
RT @hapoel2018: I am really getting tired of the media acting as if the homelessness crisis is just an accident which came from nowhere.…
RT @EFF: We hope that 2019 brings freedom for the imprisoned bloggers, activists, and journalists featured in our Offline project. https://…
RT @Info_Activism: The web of board members that link American corporations, mapped - 78% of the top 50 companies in the S&P 500 are direct…
Indiana Jones, mutta ei valkoinen heteromies, joka järjestää museoesineiden palauttamisia kotisijoilleen, eikä pask…
RT @Juho_p: Kiitti vaan Timo Soini siitä, että hyysäsiy rasisteja, jotta saisit ministerisalkun ja valtaa. Seteliselkärankaisena vielä jäti…
RT @mcnees: Christmas is almost over, so remember the plan: After your parents go to sleep, use the parental controls on their TV to block…
RT @NoChorus: When the first Atlas Shrugged film came out they asked for fans to say "I am john galt" to add to a dvd extra. The results ar…
RT @JornalismoWando: O meme do padeiro destroça com tranquilidade esse argumento forjado nas estribarias do período colonial.…
RT @amnestyusa: #MarielleFranco was one of millions of women rising against injustice. 9 months ago, she was assassinated for defending #Hu…
RT @mcnees: The mathematician John Conway was born #OTD in 1937. He has made profound contributions across many fields of mathematics, but…
RT @blogdosakamoto: Se o próximo governo confirmar o perdão de R$ 17 bilhões em dívidas do agronegócio ao Funrural (contribuição previdenci…
RT @Haddad_Fernando: Brasileira negra, participante do Ciência sem Fronteiras, ganhou prêmio internacional ao criar sistema de dessalinizaç…