Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @FrankPasquale: “There are now growing indications that the West is slouching toward rule by algorithm—a brave new world in which vast f…
RT @max_read: This week I wrote a column about the increasing, all-consuming fakeness of the internet
RT @hjuusola: Finland investigating involvement of 1,400 citizens in SS war crimes - Europe
RT @vikingstid: kyllä meillä jokaisella on ollut omat kommelluksemme vesiklosetissa, mutta kuinka moni voi sanoa kakanneensa sukellusveneen…
RT @carapanarana:
RT @mynameiscal: Big year for puzzled people in gold rooms asking why we can't all just get along
RT @alfonslopeztena: Martial law declared in parts of Ukraine has ended after 30 days, amid continuing tensions with Russia in the Kerch St…
RT @existentialcoms: This year, give the gift of philosophy. I've found that everyone loves to have their core beliefs questioned, especial…
RT @HannesAleksi: 😂😂😂😂😂
@kasperstromman Vuoden graafikolta nyt myös vuoden joulurauhan julistus
RT @hansalexrazo: Idk maybe because she supported a far-right military coup in Honduras which destabilized the country & when migrant kids…
RT @Juho_p: rip kaikki heteroseksuaaliset lihansyöjät, joiden joulu menee pilalle vegaanisista jouluruoista
RT @SophieHRW: We all know what’s really on trial here: #China #Xi claims to govern according to “rule of law.” No further questions. @hrw…
@emirsader “Já tivemos outros casos [de confronto com armas][...]Mas com essa gravidade, de um ataque a uma balsa…
RT @emirsader: Base de proteção da Funai a índios isolados no Vale do Javari, no Amazonas, é atacada a tiros por invasores…
RT @LotteLeicht1: For yrs, we've documented the murder & torture of detainees in #Syria.
Govs know what is happening behind bars in #Assad…
RT @uespiiiiii: メリークリスマス!!
RT @Survival: Support the most vulnerable people on the planet. To protect the lives of Brazil’s uncontacted tribes, please tweet @jairbols…
RT @mariapetterss0n: ”Pilvenpiirtäjä Hidätä”
”Kyllä sittenkin joulu voittää halloweenin”
#Tokio’on on jätetty suomenkielisiä viestejä joulu…
@elxctrifying This is why I let my mustache be.
RT @elxctrifying: keep the likes, comments and retweets equal
Enter Deep Web
RT @SpaceCatPics: All aboard the cat bus
RT @TojoTheThief: My cat keep purring really loudly
We the people dont need no education
RT @KaikkiMeni: Kaikki meni #116
RT @MustReadFi: "Mielletään, että biodiversiteetti on jotain eläinten suojelua tai ehkä ekosysteemienkin suojelua, mutta ei nähdä, miten hy…
RT @internetofshit: 1) don't buy it
2) there is no 2
RT @rickycifuentes: Rafael Carvalho é o fotógrafo contratado pela equipe de transição. Como quase todo fotojornalista, ele fala pelas lente…
RT @proindio: MULHERES INDÍGENAS DA TRADIÇÃO | O livro apresenta trajetórias de luta de mulheres indígenas de Pernambuco. Acesse: