Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @astronaatti: Harry Potter eli suomeksi Pekko Taikamiespoika
RT @Finnwatch1: Bangladeshissa pelätään töiden siirtymistä mm. Etiopiaan. Valtioiden välistä surkeisiin työoloihin johtavaa hintakilpailua…
RT @BRRN_Fed: #TheLeftInPower #China As reported by the People’s Daily, China's richest person Jack Ma is a member of the Chinese Communist…
RT @elpais_brasil: Opinião | "No momento em que o presidente eleito se prepara para tomar posse do cargo, passa a ganhar relevância o papel…
RT @HildaHaller: "Virkailija kysyi, olisinko kiinnostunut hakemaan työkokeiluun nyt tähän samaiseen Vero Modaan, johon jo aiemmin olin hake…
'Jacobo afirma que a maioria dos homicídios do país são motivados por brigas entre vizinhos, parentes, acidentes d…
RT @renatoroseno: A experiência internacional e mesmo as recentes estatísticas brasileiras comprovam que mais armas de fogo circulando impl…
RT @bellingcat: Bellingcat is recruiting an investigator/trainer, based in The Netherlands, and running training workshops across the world…
RT @bencsmoke: “The well-worn claims that Britain is “full” of migrants taking our jobs and putting an unbearable strain on our welfare sys…
RT @felp85:
RT @vegacareless: Right now, because ICE is murdering children in concentration camps, officials are making statements like;
'please don't…
RT @profscontraoesp: RETROSPECTIVA 2018
Em Janeiro, a publicação mais curtida e compartilhada foi a entrevista do EL PAÍS Brasil com a pesq…
RT @1981annozero: Brazilian reactionaries are succeeding in making Twitter an unbearable environment. Every questioning against Jair Bolson…
RT @AP: President Donald Trump is threatening to close the U.S. border with Mexico if Democrats in Congress don't agree to fund the constru…
"Arch Enemy‘s stance in regards to photographers, as demonstrated by the band’s very aggressive approach against m…
RT @DLBiller: Brazil eco. indicators today show recovery remains weak (fixed earlier twt):
*Unemployment fell less than expected, to 11.6%…
RT @raju: Why you can smell rain via @ConversationUS
RT @WholesomeMeme:
RT @EeroGrundstrom: ”Borenius Oy:n jääviyden näkee jokainen, mutta hallitus leikkii, että selvitys olisi luotettava. Se on kaivosyhtiöiden…
RT @demori: Pode o presidente eleito do país bloquear um jornalista? Justamente no meio onde ele promete prestar contas à população? @jairb…
RT @_pinheira: Essa é uma das mais incríveis notícias que li nos últimos tempos: um mega projeto acadêmico irá resgatar a obra de grandes e…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Congress and federal agencies investigate a US gun manufacturer entangled in arms smuggling and wildlife poaching, whi…
RT @folha: Propostas de Bolsonaro podem causar danos duradouros ao Brasil, dizem organizações dos EUA
RT @BrazilBrian: The 2nd key Colombian witness in Odebrecht scandal to show up dead
RT @giphz: feliz natal seu cornoooooooo
RT @cyclite: Kaupunkifillari-blogin kirjoittaja huomasi, että @oodihelsinki pyörätelineet lähtevät kuusiokoloavaimella irti. Helsingin kaup…
RT @evgenymorozov: Tired: “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
Wired: “If fake news is pu…
RT @Reuters: Scandal involving Brazil president-elect's son clouds inauguration
RT @AstaViertola: Hirvee lössi Odineita tuli just vastaan Myrtsissä. Vantaa alkoi just tuntua turvattomammalta 😞
RT @SAaltoMatturi: Miksi kaupunki haluaa Lapinlahden sairaalan tyhjäksi jo nyt vaikka tuleva ideakilpailu vie vuosia? Tyhjänä kiinteistö tu…