Pixelache Festival
Pixelache Member Arlene Tucker interviews Pixelaceh Festival 2019 - Breaking the Fifth Wall featured artist Laura Dahlberg. Laura's work C6H120 features as part of the Senses Of Sustenence Side event in collaboration Seinäjoki Taidehalli. It was more like...
Pixelache Festival
Vidha said, “I would like to invite you to the old Itäkeskus mall. There is a circular compound which is open to the sky, a sight where once a fountain used to be.” I was tempted to buy some baklava from Saray Cafe while waiting for Vidha and I’m glad I...
News / Pixelache Festival
2019 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the world wide web, a world changing media utility you are likely using right now to read this. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, an Internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information...
Instafund report
The first Social Tools conference on September 28, 29 and 30 began with a series of presentations and finished with three whole-day workshops. One of these examined the idea of cultural democracy, which had first appeared in Britain in the 1980s as a...
Instafund report
In October 2017 the Collective Intelligence group was invited to spend one month in Palermo and work together with Dimora Oz, an artists-run association focusing on relational art and place-making processes. This initial choice led to a chain of very...
Instafund report
A common Thursday evening, @Kuusi Palaa A room filled with random people, all sit around a table, some soldering, others sewing trying to repair a set of boots that were supposed to be from leather… which was far from the truth. A disassembled bike in the...
News / Recommended events
What is personal data in an age when our data is everything but personal? Our websites, apps, social media and ‘smart’ devices all thrive on the same thing that makes tech companies billions – data. Not just any data, but our data. In 2030 there will be an...
The Glass Room Experience
Open calls
Kokeellisen elektroniikan seura (Helsinki, FI), Pixelache (Helsinki, FI) ja Cirkulacija 2 (Ljubljana, SI) hakevat kahta kisälliä Post Maker -leirille Vihtiin ajalle 13.-21.10. Post Maker -leirin käytännön osiossa rakennetaan kelluva ääni-installaatio ja...
Open calls
Free Translation - свободный перевод - Vapaa käännös Kutsumme vankeja, ex-vankeja ja kaikkia, joiden elämään vankeus on vaikuttanut, osallistumaan omalla taideteoksellaan monitaiteelliseen, kansainväliseen näyttelyyn Vapaa käännös. Teokset tulevat esille...
Instafund report / Pixelache Projects
Sound Days Liepaja 2018 is a yearly festival, yearly organized by MPLab, in Liepaja - Latvia. In this context, our project Bio Signals was part of Sound Days presenting a workshop on Sonic Wilderness by Antye Greie Ripatti, a seminar by our members Andrew...
Pixelache Projects
Parasite Radio is part of Catalysti Week Against Racism 2018, featuring the collaboration of international groups that work toward the development of mechanisms for free expression, as means to reach democracy and citizen participation. In this event we...
Politics and Poiesis in Telematic Participation
Open calls
Since Autumn 2017 Pixelache has been a partner in the Inter-PAGAN Network, one year of curatorial, artistic or cultural research and exchange between art and culture organisations from Baltic-Nordic countries, Poland and Scotland, let by Nida Art Colony....