Family-friendly Recycling Factory / Kierrätystehdas events on eco-design and sustainable development take place this weekend, 4-5th May at Cable Factory, Helsinki. This year Pixelache contributes with a special Trashlab Repair Cafe, which also serves as a stall for Recycling Olympic Games, where it's your last chance to sign up. Also Päivi Raivio, Justin Tyler-Tate and Andrew Paterson all make short presentations.
Recycling Factory (Kierräystehdas) events are organized and coordinated by Kierrätystehdas Assoc. established in 2010. The purpose of the association is to produce events, conferences and development projects related to recycling, ecology, ethics and sustainable development and to share information on these themes. The association's aim is to increase the visibility of the eco-design industry and to promote collaboration and networking among the stakeholders of the field. In the future, the association intends to organize and coordinate multiple Recycling Factory events in Helsinki and elsewhere in Finland. We are constantly seeking active members and partners to develop the activities.
See you there!
For more info in Finnish & English: http://www.kierratystehdas.fi/
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Family-friendlyRecycling Factory / Kierrätystehdasevents on eco-design and sustainable development take place this weekend,4-5th May at Cable Factory, Helsinki. This yearPixelache contributeswith a specialTrashlab Repair Cafe, which also serves as a stall forRecycling Olympic Games, where it's your last chance to sign up. Also Päivi Raivio, Justin Tyler-Tate and Andrew Paterson all makeshort presentations.
Recycling Factory (Kierräystehdas) events are organized and coordinated by Kierrätystehdas Assoc. established in 2010. The purpose of the association is to produce events, conferences...