Eclipse Happening on June 4th

Welcome to the "Eclipse Happening", "finissage" event of the "Expedition to the Total Eclipse" exhibition on view at Kiasma Mediatheque until June 7th, and of the Pixelache season before the summer break.      It consists of presentations and a workshop in Kiasma Theatre, and of an urban expedition, culminating in the evening with an event in Kaivopuisto around the URSA observatory.

Key words: Siberia, astronomy, eclipses, space traveling, geese, moon walk, weightlessness.

Preliminary programme:
- 15.00 - 16.00: Presentations focusing on eclipses & space traveling, by Professor Tapio Markkanen (Observatory of the University of Helsinki) & artist Agnes Meyer-Brandis (DE) / Kiasma Theatre
- 16.00 - 17.00: Moon Walk workshop for humans & moon geese with leading moon walker Milla Koistinen / Kiasma Theatre
- 17.00 - 18.30: Urban Expedition / from Kiasma to URSA observatory in Kaivopuisto
- 18.30 - 22.00: Happy Eclipse gathering with Russian snacks and music, moonwalking, telescope observations (only until 21.00), video projections in URSA's portable planetarium / URSA observatory in Kaivopuisto

All the events of the Eclipse Happening are free of charge.
The number of places for the moon walk workshop is limited. If you want to participate, please send an email before June 2 to moonwalk@pixelache.ac.

The Eclipse Happening is organised by Capsula and Pixelache
With kind support of : Opetusministeriö, Goethe Institut, HIAP, URSA, Kiasma Theatre.