The Creative Coding for Live Visuals performance event, as part of AAVE Festival, will take place at Bar Sandro in Helsinki on Saturday April 13, from 22:00-02:00. AVVX + BALTIC DIVING CO. (EE+PT/FI), AXEL THESLEFF (FI) & VIDEO JACK (PT/FI), DKSTR & Månsteri (FI), Cinder & Quartz Composer workshop participants + Sander Mölder (EE)..
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TheCreative Coding for Live Visualsperformance event, as part ofAAVE Festival, will take place atBar Sandroin Helsinki onSaturday April 13, from 22:00-02:00. AVVX + BALTIC DIVING CO. (EE+PT/FI), AXEL THESLEFF (FI) & VIDEO JACK (PT/FI), DKSTR & Månsteri (FI), Cinder & Quartz Composer workshop participants + Sander Mölder (EE)..
Creative Coding is rapidly becoming a very popular topic all around the world. It involves the creation of high-tech interactive digital artworks by using open-source as well as affordable commercial tools and hardware that was not available before. The creative coding philosophy is also about how to make programming and computer technology more accessible to artists and designers, thus allowing to create artworks and design prototypes faster, cheaper and with less effort than before.
Live visuals is an interpretation of audiovisual performance, which usually involves artists who play...