Pixelache Festival / Pixelache Projects
This book documents and reflects on a long-term Pixelache project called Suomenlinna Money Lab, that tried to create an experimental local currency for the small island of Suomenlinna in Helsinki. It looks at the particular challenges faced by the project,...
Open calls / Pixelache Festival
Remix the Commons is a collaborative and evolutive multimedia project. It aims at documenting and illustrating key ideas and practices of the commons movement, including the creative process of the project itself. In collaboration with Remix the Commons...
Open calls / Pixelache Festival
Exploring the thematic of the Bio-Commons, members of the biohacking scene from Europe and beyond will gather for a workshop at Camp Pixelache (6-8.6). With regards to biotechnology, society relies mainly on patents as means to enable and secure...
News / Open calls / Pixelache Festival
Join us on Vartiosaari for a two-day unconference (7-8.6). The event is free and anyone can propose a Commons-related short presentation and take part in different types of activities, including discussion circles, thematic walks and workshops. The advance...
Visitors to Camp Pixelache on Vartiosaari island should generally bring their own food & drinks to the island. There is no infrastructure (shops, restaurants, cafes, etc) on Vartiosaari so everything that you would like to eat / drink should brought...
Pixelache Festival
Are you commoner, commonist, commonaut or commonerd? You can say it with a T
Open calls
Artist Talk 27th May, 2014 at 5 pm Workshop 9-11th June, 2014 Helsinki University Botanic Garden, Finland “Bees for Architecture and Architecture for Bees” is a three day workshop at the Kaisanemi Botanical Gardens offered by Australian artist Dr. Nigel...
News / Open calls / Pixelache Festival
Etsimme vapaaehtoisia auttamaan tämän vuoden Pikseliähky festivaalin järjestämisessä kesäkuun alussa! Pikseliähky Helsinki 2014 festivaali eli Camp Pixelache järjestetään Vartiosaaressa sekä Helsingin yliopistolla 6.-8. kesäkuuta. Festivaali kokoaa yhteen...
Open calls / Pixelache Network / Uncategorized
Selvatorium is an event that will take place for the first time during October 2014 in the rural cultural space El Ensueño on the shores of the Palomino river in the Guajira department in Colombia. The objective of this event is to call together a group of...
News / Open calls / Pixelache Festival
Camp Pixelache 2014 järjestetään Vartiosaaressa sekä Helsingin yliopistolla kesäkuussa 6.-8.6. Pikseliähky-festivaali kokoaa yhteen kansainvälisiä ja paikallisia taiteen, designin, tutkimuksen ja aktivismin harrastajia sekä ammattilaisia. Tapahtuman teemana...
News / Open calls / Pixelache Festival
In this workshop organised in connection with Camp Pixelache 2014 and in collaboration with the Reality Research Centre, you will learn the basics of Cultural Coding. It is a new form for expressing actions and interactions. Rather than using the...
Misc / Pixelversity
The 'Weight of Information' Meet to Delete event of the series took place on Monday 5.5. outside and at Pixelache office. As Owen Kelly reported: We "gathered some old Pixelache documents outside the office and solemnly light a miniature bonfire". We went...
Meet to Delete (The Weight of Information)