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kyse on ”sotatieteellisestä jutusta”. ”Mulle on se kerrottu, että on sellaisia hyppykavereita”, Niinistö sanoi.
Lontoon joukkoliikenteeseen voi nousta piippaamalla millä vain lähimaksupankkikortilla. mind-blowing!
RT @Spells_Disaster: Introduction to Arduino Workshop as part of the Vorspiel 20.01.18 @transmediale 2018
Cash rules everything around me, C.R.E.A.M. ... Get the money, dollar dollar bill, y'all.
RT @SeraphinaMadsen: From Stanislaw Lem's "Return from the Stars" published in 1961
Lily - The Drone Company That Fell to Earth | Backchannel via @backchnnl
RT @intel: First there were pixels, now #voxels are the future. Volumetric media #data captured and stored in 3D. #CES2018…
RT @AWWWARDS: It's the ultimate 3D, 360º, full color, surround sound, immersive, digital design experience - an Awwwards Conference 😉 join…
RT @mashable: 'Rick and Morty' co-creator Dan Harmon delivers raw account and apology for sexual harassment
Werner Herzog career interview: "You have to brace yourself for the bozos"
RT @Irina_Spicaka: Glad to announce that 6th @cycling74 Max #Meetup will be be hosted by @Ableton on Feb 19th in Berlin. Shoot me a message…
RT @cdmblogs: Breaking: Buchla has new ownership, brings back two major engineers - and a synh story ontinues. @bem…
The Strange Brands in Your Instagram Feed A new breed of online retailer doesn’t make or even touch products, but t…
Glad to announce that 6th @cycling74 Max #Meetup will be be hosted by @Ableton on Feb 19th in Berlin. Shoot me a me…
Temple de la Sybille - Location from Gaspar Noé’s film “Love” where main couple meets for the first time.
Who did I lend my Digitech Studio 400 -rack effect processor about 6 to 10 years ago? bring it back please.
Gaspar Noé's "Enter the Void" is quite a good movie, but the most amazing thing to me is how he was able to get it…
@arnkil Olen tehnyt linjauksen että tuotan vain valtavasti teksti ja AV -massaa ja Suuri Tekoäly saa sitten aikanaa…
A General Pricing Guide for WordPress Websites via @elegantthemes