Member activity
RT @rbrazileiro: AI researchers allege that machine learning is alchemy
RT @Info_Activism: Cambridge Analytica kept Facebook data models through US election - Social network failed to make firm delete valuable m…
RT @Siemenpuu: Forest Cover newsletter from Global Forest Coalition @gfc123: The big four drivers of #deforestation: #beef, #soy, #wood and…
Create Easier Composites and Car Shots With Programmable Digital Sputnik Voyagers via @nofilmschool
RT @latimesent: Film buffs, Christopher Nolan has restored a 70-mm version of Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece "2001: A Space Odyssey." Where…
Real People Are Turning Their Accounts Into Bots On Instagram — And Cashing In via @kantrowitz
RT @DigitalSputnik: DS Cinema Lighting Masterclass Part I - IRON SKY UNIVERSE
29.-30. may 2018 in Los Angeles.
In the first edition Maste… "This one-man-show is the bumbling Canadian answer to Laibach." Guest Post: Jordan Peterson…
RT @Nesient: "The word "terrorist" has a long history of being attributed to anti-colonial resistance" -Nisha Kapoor. There's an ongoing de…
RT @yletiede: Elintason nousu ei tehnyt suomalaisista onnellisempia. @UniTampere tutkijat toistivat klassikkotutkimuksen ja huomasivat, ett…
RT @Nesient: "What is allowed to circulate on digital platforms is always a taste-making, curating process" - Safiya Noble. It is more (whi…
RT @rankingrights: .@rmack: How do we get our global information ecosystem, which is designed and operated largely by private corporations,…
RT @yvonne_courtney: First the excellent Bullshit Jobs book by anthropologist @davidgraeber - now this cracking piece on BS developers hoar…
RT @tuijatiitta: Jos ja kun vierailette #Inari ssa, tehkää shoppailuisku @SajosInari in ja saamelaismuseo @SiidaInari n kauppoihin. Sivisty…
RT @ACLU: Too many people of color face racial profiling regularly.
Teenagers should be able to visit college campuses without fear of rac…
RT @_youhadonejob1: A local Mexican restaurant used to be a Chinese restaurant. Instead of painting over a mural, they just put sombreros o…
RT @CodingRights: Oficina #HackingHate na @cryptorave: vamos todas usar a ironia e o riso como ferramentas estratégicas pra confrontar o ma…
RT @guardian: Cambridge Analytica is dead – but its obscure network is alive and well
@Janne6nen Erityisesti toi Salon pantti -osuus kiinnostelee
@Janne6nen Kylla taa nyt kaiken maailman stockhausenien, ligetien ja cagejen notaation hakkaa 100-0.
Cryptorave happening right now in São Paulo
The most unrelated gif I found in reference to "nice day" lol. #saurday #niceday
RT @kriwkrow: The fastest way to build a machine? CADboard and glue. We are almost ready to start designing parts for our infinite Y axis p…
At Superbooth
Hablamos sobre el disen̂o de herramientas de aprendizaje. Escuchamos música catalana contemporánea. No se lo pierd…
@veikkalahtinen ´Asiantuntija´
RT @Info_Activism: Welsh police wrongly identify thousands as potential criminals | UK
RT @ylikulju: Syksyisin tulee tosi vähän suoria lähetyksiä siitä, kun tuotantoeläimet palautetaan häkkeihinsä.