Member activity
Today join us from 16:00 to 19:00 for an introspection in Decentralised Organising and a hands on Toothpaste worksh…
RT @ChuBailiang: The question that North Korea semioticians must now ask themselves is: Were those soft toys an artfully placed prophecy of…
RT @daphnehk: Oh, man. Text-based content filters fail again.
RT @nathanwpyle:
RT @KoomikkoKivi: Suomi on vanginnut kurdiaktivistin 9 vuoden maassaolon jälkeen ja aikoo palauttaa hänet Iraniin.
Pääministeri @juhasipi…
RT @mustapipa: The question is not how much it costs to stop climate change but how much it costs not to. The answer: $30000 billion.
Media art festival Sound Days in Liepaja starts today with an exhibition opening at 18h. #BioSignals will organize…
RT @AndrewDFish: Today is day 4 of a national truckers strike in Brazil. Protesting diesel prices, they’re blocking key highways & choking…
RT @davidmacdougall: Dear #Finland journalists colleagues. When nobody in the @TurkuUutiset newsroom thought brownface was a bad idea, we h…
RT @internetofshit: Hi!
Just letting you know you can't use your lights anymore because we're slathering your data around and GDPR is her…
RT @fchollet: I believe none of the most important problems facing the world today are technical problems. All of them are political proble…
RT @LottaHassi: Applying design thinking in non-design organisations requires a change in mindset - easier said than done. Read a summary o…
RT @Info_Activism: Last-Minute GDPR Checklist for Civil Society Organisations - Our Data Our Selves -
RT @BenjaminNorton: This is what leftists have been saying again and again: the real forces that allow fascism to take power are the centri…
RT @bruceecurb: Judge in Rio authorizes use of the army to clear the truckers' blockade on a federal highway
RT @juhanilohikoski: Saatanan raukkamaista. Natsit hyökkäsivät 75-vuotiaan kreikkalaisen pormestarin kimppuun julkisessa tilaisuudessa. Eur…
RT @Maanystavat: "Miten on mahdollista" kysytty useasti #fennovoima'n kohdalla. Kauanko vielä samoja ympäripyöreitä selityksiä "opettelemis…
*Takeover* Welcome to the opening of the VR-themed exhibition at Galleria Sculptor in Helsinki today, form 17:00h o…
RT @internetofshit: Hi!
Just letting you know you can't use your lights anymore because we're slathering your data around and GDPR is her…
se tunne kun huomaat et järkevän oloiset vegaanianarkistit juoksee mäkkäriin syömään ja ikeaan shoppailemaan
RT @tutamAW: Change for the better does not happen by itself.
Self-organized #unions are struggling for #workers' rights.
#couriers http…
RT @jonleeanderson: Finally, a little justice in Guatemala; more justice, in fact, than Spain has ever delivered to the 100s of thousands o…
RT @Dimmu141: Ruotsin Sosiaalidemokraatit
RT @JoriEskolin: Trump ei saa oikeuden päätöksellä blokata ketään Twitterissä. On tää maailma kyllä absurdi paikka.
RT @ChuBailiang: In honor of Flappy the amazing cuckoo, here is the NY Times story from 2016 on her previous migration between Africa and C…
RT @nytopinion: Rio's militias say they are fighting drug traffickers. They also traffic drugs.
Perustan lapsitehtaan Suomeen, jonka tuotot sijoitan kryptovaluuttatehtaisiin Kiinassa
RT @MarinaWalkerG: West Africa is one of the world's most neglected regions, also from a media perspective. So ICIJ gathered West Africa's…
RT @ajplus: Imagine spending 18 years in jail for a crime you didn't commit ... even after the real criminal confessed.…
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: four years later, world cup infrastructure projects remain unfinished in 11 of 12 host cities. Only city that compl…