Member activity

RT @BuzzFeedBen: Important new story on the iconic Macedonian fake news teens: they had American help -- and there was a coincidental Russi…
RT @torproject: Tor friends and relay operators: we're holding a meetup in solidarity with @torservers this Saturday in Berlin. Join us in…
RT @CFR_Finland: Luotettavan tiedon saanti #Irak'in tapahtumista on hankalaa, sekä ulkomaiselle medialle että irakilaisille itselleen. Arti…
RT @BRRN_Fed: The Trump regime reality - New lawsuit reveals horrid conditions of migrant detention centers: lack of access to water, sleep…
RT @Pro_Heinavesi: Heinävedelle suunnitteilla oleva kaivosalue on keskellä arvokkaita puhtaita vesistöjä. #kaivokset
RT @UkkonenJuho: #trumputin #breakingnews #StarWars
RT @Pro_Heinavesi: Etelä-Savon maa­kun­ta­hal­li­tuk­sen pj @JarkkoWuorinen huo­maut­taa, et­tä Sai­maan alu­eel­le syn­ty­vän yri­tys­toi­…
RT @KBAndersen: Hannah Arendt writing in 1951 in The Origins of Totalitarianism about Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany:…
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: general Heleno will not be vice to presidential hopeful Bolsonaro. Heleno's party PRP turned down offer, general wi…
RT @ARautiainen: Mielenosoittajat tehneet kanteluita poliisin tekemistä kiinniotoista huippukokouksen yhteydessä Helsingissä – kolmisenkymm…
RT @ReutersJamie: Interesting angle to the 'Trumputin' narrative - Russia dumps nearly all its US Treasury holdings, at least $65B in March…
RT @RebekkaHarkonen: Soitin presidentti Putinille, joka kertoi heidän tiedustelupalvelunsa selvittäneen, ettei valeuutisia ole olemassa. Pu…
RT @c_harig: General Heleno one of the most vocal proponents of giving the military the same rules of engagement in internal missions as i…
RT @NataliaAntonova: "And when I said 'grab them by the pussy' I obviously meant 'I am a fan of Ruth Bader Ginsburg' and other high-achievi…
RT @Info_Activism: Dark money lurks at the heart of our political crisis by George Monbiot
RT @Info_Activism: EU expected to fine Google $5 billion over Android: Bloomberg
RT @IrishTimesOpEd: One million people have now read this @fotoole article: Trial runs for fascism are in full flow
RT @Info_Activism: China is Using Mass Pee and Poo Surveillance to Police Illegal Drug Use
RT @ARautiainen: Tästä oli kyse jalkapallon MM-kisojen isoimmassa uutistapahtumassa, joka peitti hetkeksi alleen j…
RT @BRRN_Fed: #ThisIsCapitalism: Genetically modified babies given go ahead by UK ethics body
RT @shaojiang: Guangzhou painter, performance artist and retired veteran Cang Ying 苍鹰 criminally detained due to his ink wash painting. htt…
RT @gabrielkahane: And yeah, I just cancelled my Amazon Prime subscription: #PrimeDay
RT @ambrowoll: Hei @tuuliathynell ja @yleuutiset! #poliisi'n väitteet siitä, että jokin ryhmä olisi yrittänyt kadunvaltausta, eivät pidä pa…
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: celebrity backroom plastic surgeon Dr.Bum Bum on the run after patients death following botched operation in his ap…
RT @domphillips: Brazil World Cup player's mother freed after being kidnapped. Video shows kidnap after flower delivery. My @guardian repor…
RT @JaneMayerNYer: Hey all u media groups taking $ from the Kochs- (Poynter, Knight, Newseum etc) - the Kochs just made it harder than ever…