Member activity
RT @Ocasio2018: 120 years ago today (July 25th, 1898) Puerto Rico was invaded and made a colony of the United States.
Puerto Ricans are US…
RT @jilevin: The Anti-Defamation League just classified misogyny as a 'gateway' to extremism like white supremacy
RT @ekingc: What this woman did is truly great. But notice that this story—of one individual woman—is making international waves, while sto…
RT @antifaintl: The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund must be doing something right for Breitbart to come after them like they did. h…
RT @kallekinnunen: James Gunnin tapaus on todella pelottava. Kyse ei ole ainoastaan Gunnista, Marvelista ja Disneystä, vaan kulttuurisodan…
RT @LeaKor: Taas on Lähi-idän ainoan demokratian maailman moraalisin armeija ahkeroinut vaarallisissa tehtävissä puolustamassa Israelin raj…
RT @bicarato: "Doutor Bumbum promoveu Bolsonaro, votou em Aécio, pregou derrubada de Dilma e pediu prisão de Lula"…
RT @MikkonenKrista: Heinäveden kaivoshanke on aito uhka vesistölle aiheutuvien riskien ja järvimatkailulle aiheuttamansa imagohaitan vuoksi…
RT @HenrikJaakkola: Talouskuri ja ilmastonmuutos ovat tappava yhdistelmä. #Kreikka #metsäpalot
“By either appropriating a Cherokee identity or drawing parallels between Cherokee removal and their own struggle…
Syntyvyyden lasku blabla
Metsa-jihadin intensiteetti kasvaa. Odinistit jo partioimassa?
RT @EricHolthaus: In Greece, today, people are jumping into the ocean to escape rapidly advancing wildfires.
So far, this is Greece's hott…
Can Economists and Humanists Ever Be Friends?
RT @theintercept: Attacks on Kurds in a Greek camp raise fears that conflict in Syria has followed refugees abroad…
RT @alexalper: EXCLUSIVE-@Petrobras in exclusive talks to sell two shallow water mature oilfields to a group backed by #EIG. A deal would m…
RT @PeterRNeumann: No surprises here: European ultra-nationalists don't like idea of being told what to do by American ultra-nationalist ht…
RT @newscientist: Biodiversity in crisis: How close to the brink is life on Earth?
RT @Pasisillanp: Suomalainen oikeusprosessi lyhyesti
1) Twitter -tuomioistuin
2) A-Studio paneeli
3) Poliisin esitutkinta
4) Käräjäoikeus…
Epatietoisuus siita onko ratissa vai pelkaajan paikalla
RT @mattdpearce: Mark Zuckerberg trying to explain Holocaust denialism on his megaplatform, and newspapers laying off 50% of their trained…
RT @bopanc: Greek Wildfires Devastate Resort Areas Near Athens, Killing Scores. @nstamouli reports on the horrors in Greece via @wsj https:…
RT @OpenRightsGroup: Facebook bans Rubens and other Flemish paintings because of nudity
RT @apaatti: Tiesitkö: Liettua ja Latvia ovat julistaneet "natural disaster of a national scale" -tilan kuivuuden pilaamien viljasatojen vu…
RT @ARautiainen: Femen co-founder Oksana Shachko found dead in Paris flat
RT @XLHawkins: My latest @ForeignPolicy article about #China #Zimbabwe #tech #AI #BeltandRoad #surveillance and some other things! Thank yo…
RT @Info_Activism: I trained an AI to copy my voice and it scared me silly
RT @EevaLuhtakallio: Bengt Holmströmin väite avoimuuden haitallisuudesta saa kovaa kritiikkiä - hyviä argumentteja mm. @hanna_wass ja @epal…
RT @Info_Activism: Turning Libraries into Amazon Stores Is Class Warfare
Public libraries incubate working-class brilliance, and privatizin…
RT @Wiweck: RT @Pro_Heinavesi: .#Beowulfmining and its investors should listen closely: the best possible #CSR here is withdrawal. Take a l…