Member activity

RT @SamCowie84: According to Unicef 61% of Brazilian children and teenagers live in poverty, defined as not just financial vulnerability, b…
RT @sht33v: @PraxisKenzie I'd love to see the footage of a black guy getting stopped by the police and trying the 'C'mon, officer, you can…
RT @PraxisKenzie: Hmmm yes the extremely well-known phenomenon where no black person is ever prosecuted for a crime
RT @tuulikamppila: Nuorten kasvissyöjien ja vegaanien osuus on tuplaantunut 4 vuodessa. Tuplaantunut. 4 vuodessa.
RT @OpenRightsGroup: #privacy #surveillance #digitalrights #dataprotection #GDPR
RT @Riikka_Suominen: @KaiMykkanen @ernabodstrom Suomi käännyttää halla-aholaisen maahanmuuttopolitiikan seurauksena vaaraan esim. työssäkäy…
RT @GeorgeTakei: When someone calls a former confidant a "liar," maybe that's true. When he calls a former campaign manager a "nobody," you…
Pakko palkkaa Niksibotti personal traineriksi
RT @Vinncent: evergreen (though I guess you get less House of Cards references these days)
RT @seb_uHu: You mean the Orwell who literally traveled to Spain in order to kill fascists? That Orwell?
RT @davidluhnow: This is excellent: Rates of violence in different Mexican states compared to other countries. Ranges from Yucatán, which i…
RT @classiclib3ral: Can't believe another person with zero qualifications who is mostly known for being hungry for fame and getting into dr…
RT @RoyScranton: 1988: "We can avoid climate change if we act now." 1998: "We can avoid significant climate change if we act now." 2008: "W…
RT @Maanystavat: "President Sauli Niinistö also used his influence to pressure Fortum to back the contested Fennovoima nuclear power projec…
RT @antoguerrera: BREAKING. OMG, a motorway bridge has just collapsed over houses, buildings a railway in Genoa, #Italy, several victims fe…
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: star of the recent electoral debate, former firefighter Cabo Daciolo is now hiding out on the top of a mountain fro…
RT @HannariikkaX: Kyseessä ns. Lopullinen karenssi?
Yuval Noah Harari on what the year 2050 has in store for humankind
RT @Astatenhunen: Uusnatsien 18.8. mielenosoituksen alkusyy oli uhota Suomen #poliisi'a vastaan, koska poliisi puuttui PVL:n toimintaan. Si…
RT @poemproducer: my track is UP! extract on soundcloud >>>>> IF IF IF you can please pay a small paypal coin dire…
RT @biret: HS: Hilja Grönfors on pelastanut kansallisaarteen unohdukselta, mutta Suomen romanien musiikkiperinnön tallentaminen kirjaksi ju…
RT @Hanna_marillaZ: Nimet kyllä saadaan. Reilussa kahdessa kuukaudessa aloitteen on allekirjoittanut yli 25 000 henkilöä. #suostumus2018 ht…
RT @jliski: Tiedättekös poliitikot, että jos oikeasti halutaan tukea suomalaista (tutkivaa) journalismia, niin kolmella miljoonalla eurolla…
BRAZIL: general Mourão denied the racism of his speech claiming that he himself is indigenous. However, there seems…
RT @poemproducer: hallo documentary film makers! If you need ace reliable pro audio!!! I also habe ace internet! here my latest piece for…
RT @mustapipa: Kun ministeriön toimintaa johdetaan perustuen alkeelliseen argumentointivirheeseen. Mene Mykkänen pois sieltä ministerin pa…