Member activity

RT @PJRantala: SV: Raiskaus . . . Ja tämän(kin) takia me tarvitaan tänäkin päivänä #feminismi'ä. Ja käykäähän joutessanne allekirjoittamass…
RT @helenapalm: vice-diretor do Museu Nacional dizendo na GNews que na festa dos 200 anos da instituição tentaram e não conseguiram que nen…
RT @SkylarJordan: This is the equivalent of losing the British Museum or a Smithsonian museum in one night. Think about that. So much of ou…
RT @yaso: Utterly sad by this episode. A case that illustrates how local corruption and the lack of qualified politicians in one country ha…
RT @BRRN_Fed: Cops used a neo-Nazi website to target antifascists. Again, fascism is not insurgent in the United States, rather fascism is…
RT @KnuuttilaS: "Vaaditaan pelisääntöjen muuttamista ja tehdään ilmaston kannalta haitallisista kulutusvalinnoista yksinkertaisesti niin ka…
RT @Carnage4Life: The success of the alt-right in spreading their message has been largely because tech companies like Facebook & YouTube c…
RT @HanneleVestola: @juhasipila Tämä on huomattavasti parempaa asiaa kuin #ykkösaamu'n puheet. Sellainen huomautus, että Suomessa oli jo et…
RT @analuciaraujo_: For those who are asking about what Brazilian government is doing regarding the fire at @MuseuNacional below is the bud…
RT @geotransversals: watching a bunch of art/science works about climate change and observing how 1) artists love representing data but nev…
RT @Simonreah: Someone who works at a charity shop put Jeff Goldblum in every single photo frame 😂
RT @Info_Activism: Gender justice activists are organising against online violence – and they need your support
RT @TJQeS: Turun persujen hallituksen jäsen Jyrki Åland jakelee rasistista roskaa FBssa. Jopa perinteinen antisemitistinen kuva "happy merc…
RT @wmmna: Call for #Interakcije2018 applications: Speculative Design Workshop: Life After Disaster
never had the handheld scanner :( maybe need to make one using arduino. or maybe basic would be more appropriate
@SatakunnanKansa @SPKahmi ...`Missä kohtaa Raamattua sanotaan, että avioliitossa ei voi tulla raiskatuksi? –En men…
@SatakunnanKansa @SPKahmi ´Suomen laki on kriminalisoinut raiskauksen avioliitossa vuonna 1994. Oletko sitä mieltä,…
RT @resonatecoop: "chances are DIY artists are significantly hampered in getting wide reach into the Spotify ecosystem" -…
RT @chrisinsilico: The real "betrayal of democracy" is moving forward with a Brexit that was won by cheating, data crimes, Russian collusio…
Ois kiva virustorjuntaohjelmassa sellanen ominaisuus, joka tunnistais oyhottajat ja botit automaattisesti ja pistais karanteeniin.
RT @balthusknot: "there is no hand holding trump's leash, we're all sitting around the thanksgiving dinner table and grandpa is off his med…
RT @Reuters: JUST IN: UK Prime Minister Theresa May calls for two Reuters journalists jailed in Myanmar to be released immediately - spokes…
RT @clarebaldwin: My two @Reuters colleagues uncovered a massacre in Myanmar. They were just sentenced to seven years in a Myanmar jail: ht…
RT @FatosNacionais: Luzia, o ser humano que viveu no Brasil há 11 mil anos: não aguentou 2 anos de sucateamento do golpe e desapareceu hoje…
RT @FatosNacionais: Um país que entregou seu petróleo, tirou emprego e direitos de seu povo, abriu caminho para um candidato fascista, desc…
RT @evacide: I cannot think of a less desirable feature than one that lets people know when I am on Twitter. The cherry on this bad idea su…
RT @tuulikamppila: Jakakaa tätä linkkiä! En usko että on vielä tullut läheskään tarpeeksi monen tietoon.