Member activity
RT @RespectfulMemes:
RT @GicAriana: Grotesque #antisemitism first from the president of the United States, and now, his lawyer. Yeah, America is really in its h…
RT @GuajajaraSonia: Estamos na reta final da nossa campanha! E temos um recado importante pra vocês, parentes:
Sellanen teoria etta taa Soros-sekoilu on jonkun kupan kaltasen veneerisen aivotaudin oire.
RT @kestinen: Jos ihmettelette, miksi natsismi on nousussa nimenomaan itäisessä Saksassa, kannattaa huomata, että kyseessä ei ole mikään uu…
RT @theintercept: Trump’s complaints about a lack of due process for men stunned people who recall his attacks on the Central Park Five. ht…
RT @juhanilohikoski: Miksi Suomessa tuetaan turpeen polttamista, miksi meidän nettopäästöt kasvavat? Miksi kiihdytämme #ilmastonmuutos emme…
RT @JFCrisp: Isn't it about time that Federica Mogherini, the EU's foreign policy chief, gave a full interview to explain why she is suppor…
RT @BRRN_Fed: Democracy under capitalism, summarized:
RT @SOSMedIntl: 🔶#SaveAquarius #SaveRescueAtSea with @SOSMedIntl In Brussels now! 🇪🇺🇧🇪
RT @JFCrisp: Italian and the EU are acting illegally in supporting the return of refugees and migrants to Libya. So why won't the UN say so…
RT @theintercept: Sen. @JeffFlake and @SenatorCollins are frauds, plain and simple. Their Kavanaugh votes show it, writes @mehdirhasan. htt…
RT @AntifaFinland: No God. No State. No Caliphate. Solidarity with the Kurdish resistance against ISIS terror! #Antifa #FuckDaesh #FuckISIS…
RT @ggreenwald: Sim, eu também ouvi muito esse mito. Quando se trata de impedir que Bolsonaro vença no primeiro turno, todos os votos para…
RT @ggreenwald: Brazil's election is tomorrow. I just stumbled into this 2014 interview of @jairbolsonaro, the fascist poll leader, with @e…
RT @AnthonyBoadle: With rights under threat, Brazil’s indigenous run for office - only one ever elected to Congress, Mario Juruna
RT @luizguiprado: Desculpa se seu dia tá uma merda
mas só queria lembrar que o Bolsonaro não vem sozinho tá, vem também:
Bolsonaros Jr
RT @AndrewDFish: Brazil’s far-right, “anti-politics” presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro appears headed for victory on Sunday — and he’s…
RT @anunou: Puhuimme Vappu Rossin kanssa piirtämisestä. Ja sitten hän piirsi.
Piirtämisessä on jotain huikean hienoa. #kuukausiliite (💎)…
RT @JussiPullinen: ”Kuin oikeistopopulistin oppikirjasta Huhtasaari sai luotua ongelman osoittamatta, että se todella on olemassa – ja pyst…
RT @Jessicae13Eaton: So I’m supposed to take the death threats, rape threats, abuse, violence and disgusting accusations and NONE of them v…
RT @mikarantane: The #IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C will be published next Monday, which means lots of discussion on #climatechange. The atm…
RT @astroehlein: In the span of just a few days, 2 far-right lies from the darkest corners of the internet were parroted by 2 top political…
RT @svuorikoski: Nordea ja LähiTapiola palvelivat Airiston Helmeä, vaikka sen todellista omistajaa näyttää olevan mahdotonta selvittää. @No…
Täällä tiivistyy ihmiskunnan ahneus – Toimittaja Sami Sillanpää matkusti maapallon toiselle puolelle ja livahti sul…
RT @brumelianebrum: Whatever the outcome,Bolsonaro has already won:Brazil,plunged into a complex crisis,with 13 million people without jobs…
RT @anapuakamuniz: Sou indígena, sou ficha limpa.
Sou Renovação política verdadeira
Todo dia vai ser dia de índio na Assembleia Legislati…
RT @SSoimakallio: Paljon puhutaan siitä, että Suomessa puuston kasvu on kiihtynyt. Vähemmän puhutaan siitä, että puuston hiilinielu on pien…
RT @DLBiller: Underscoring the bitterness of #Brazil's impending vote, every single candidate has a higher rate of rejection than support.…
RT @JaniTurku: