Member activity

RT @FaiMujer: The Wet’suwet’en have not made any agreement with the Canadian government to surrender or permit access to #Wetsuweten lands…
RT @raju: Trump-Kim talks or not, North Korea’s nuclear arsenal apparently continues to grow
RT @cinemashoebox: a big mood is haunting Europe
RT @Mikkoli: Vuosi 2025. Lahdessa on paljastunut outo kultti, joka uskoo talviurheilukisoja imitoivien rituaalimenojen houkuttelevan lumen…
RT @RedeInfoA: VIVEMOS SOB UMA NOVA DITADURA? PM proíbe manifestação contra Bolsonaro e ameaça tradicional bloco de BH A Polícia Militar…
RT @robsongfreire: Milícia cobra por estacionamento em comunidades na Barra da Tijuca. Grupo instalou cancela e passou a cobrar taxa para c…
RT @astroehlein: Outrageous. The UN thanks Saudi Arabia re Yemen... when the Saudi-led coalition is slaughtering civilians in Yemen & has h…
RT @Dimmu141: Merkel tukee nuorten ilmastolakkon. Onko hallitus Suomessa ottanut kantaa?
RT @luizaprado: It's been 353 days since Marielle and Anderson, her driver, were assassinated. We still have no answers as to who ordered t…
RT @sekoomus: Ilmastoskeptikot: Ei Suomen kannata tehdä mitään, kun Kiinalaisetkaan ei tee mitään. Kiina:
Vuosi 2025. Lahdessa on paljastunut outo kultti, joka uskoo talviurheilukisoja imitoivien rituaalimenojen houkuttel…
Vuosi 2026. Lumeton hiihto on hyväksytty uudeksi talviolympialaislajiksi.
RT @satuhassi: Isoja metsäpaloja Siperiassa - helmikuussa! #ilmastokriisi
RT @biret: Seitsemän saamelaispaliskuntaa vaatii Jäämeren radan poistamista Pohjois-Lapin maakuntakaavasta 2040. Suunniteltu rata kulkisi p…
RT @socioambiental: O povo Waimiri Atroari não vai mais ficar calado! Pela primeira vez na história, lideranças contaram para a Justiça det…
RT @nesta_uk: Looking for something to listen to this week? Episode one of our new podcast explores how we can mobilise human and machine i…
oh when will the robo devs get the color of the walking butt right?
RT @PulkkaAnna: Norway’s government gives go-ahead to disputed Arctic copper mine despite years of opposition from indigenous Sami herders…
RT @barbiefascista_: "Vcs ficam reclamando q não tem dinheiro pro carnaval... É só gastar menos q ganha, simples!" #Carnaval2019 #carnavali…
RT @HumanoidHistory: Portrait of Yuri Gagarin, plus flowers, a dragonfly, scientists at work, and more. Soviet space art by Anatoly Korobsk…
RT @emirsader: Depoimento de Queiroz ao MP revela prática de um crime: ele vai assumir a bucha sozinho? Por Joaquim de Carvalho https://t.c…
RT @dwallacewells: “None of these existing labels have managed to target a fundamental obstacle to climate change action: powerful people w…
RT @BivolBg: What a Miracle! Bulgarian Policewoman who Botched the #Novichok Murder Investigation in Bulgaria Swiftly Promoted Together wit…