Member activity
Taleban/ISIS of Brazil
Just had a great sauna reading group @bioartsociety by artist @Barry_Sykes! Thank you Yvonne Bilimore for choosing…
@Dimmu141 KEKsusta
RT @HSarkkinen: Kiitos #vaaravyöhyke mielenosoituksen järjestäjille ja osallistujille! Oikeus turvalliseen aborttiin on keskeinen naisten o…
RT @theintercept: Hurricane Florence released tons of coal ash in North Carolina. Now the coal industry wants less regulation.…
RT @GeorgeTakei: A woman stopped Jeff Flake in the Senate elevator and let him have it. She spoke from her heart. Sen. Flake had indicated…
RT @kimmoneihum: "Two of my daughters have told me stories that I had never heard before about things that happened to them in high school.…
RT @MaanNewsAgency: Israel seals off, declares Khan al-Ahmar closed military zone
RT @evgenymorozov: Future data breaches from Facebook will surely include data about user reputation scores/ratings?
RT @EFF: The "A" in "2FA" is supposed to stand for "authentication," not "advertising."
RT @RichardDawkins: Brett Kavanaugh is wholly unsuited to be a Supreme Court justice, not because he was a very nasty teenager but because…
RT @Tanelihamalaine: Syvää päätyä hiukan seuranneena veikkaan samoin.
RT @Dimmu141: En tiedä kuka teki tätä, mutta jumalauta. 😀
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil was the only Latin American country to not support the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants today in…
RT @1981annozero: Bolsonaro just had a meltdown disavowing his own running mate on Twitter.
RT @JuliaDavisNews: #Russia's state TV:
Vitaly Milonov, an ultra-conservative lawmaker from Putin’s United Russia party, calls for feminist…
RT @BRRN_Fed: #StudyToStruggle As women across Latin America mobilize on Sept. 28 - The Day to Decriminalize Abortion in Latin America and…
RT @1981annozero: Brazilian Election News Thread:
Neoliberal paper Folha finds telegram from embassy in Oslo, where Bolsonaro's former wif…
RT @tiede_lehti: Grönlannin jääkato on siirtänyt maapallon pyörimisakselia.
RT @hirvasjanne: Epäluuloni herää, jos selvitystä ei ole saatavilla digitalisaation aikana muuta kuin paperisesti. Meidän tulisi käydä kesk…
RT @evgenymorozov: My plea for keeping the digital identity systems under public control in today’s FT. Relying only on private reputation…
RT @bopanc: Turkish President #Erdogan’s visit to Germany proves tricky for #Merkel amid via @WSJ
RT @Sandra_Cuffe: The military carried out genocide in the Maya Ixil region of #Guatemala in the 80s, a tribunal unanimously ruled last nig…
RT @Info_Activism: Mobile Websites Can Tap Into Your Phone's Sensors Without Asking
In a standard Hollywood catastrophy flick US president leads the world to solve the issue in hand with motivational…
RT @eilperin: SCOOP: Trump administration sees a 7 degree Fahrenheit global temperature rise by 2100, and argues in an analysis this is why…
Muovikassit eivat kuulu saaristoon!
RT @SalmisenJaska: Aukotonta hommaa.
RT @AliceAvizandum: ‘we drank beer and still do, so whatever’ - a federal judge, and surprisingly not your surly teenage son coming home la…
RT @Riikka_Suominen: #yleastudio:ssa Orpo&Sipilä loukkaantuivat, kun hallitusta syytettiin naisvastaiseksi. Miksi he sitten antoivat täyden…