Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @diggitmagazine:
RT @ikuisuusprojekt: Natsit on levitelleet itsenäisyyspäivänatseilunsa mainosjulisteita ympäri Helsinkiä, rapsutusvälineet mukaan ja julist…
RT @CodingRights: Estamos no @LANACION \o/
Mirá el artículo completo sobre la investigación del uso de datos personales en estrategias de m…
RT @evgenymorozov: One will meet more cultural marxists at...
RT @carapanarana: "A lógica é simples: "nós somos vítimas e estamos do lado do bem; e vocês são os algozes que precisam ser destruídos. Di…
RT @Prof_CallumYork: You would think, if somebody was going to licence the large-scale cutting of kelp forests, that they would give a thou…
RT @extinctsymbol: Cadbury destroyed more than 25,000 hectares of Orangutan habitat, says shock report:
RT @Siemenpuu: Mitä voimme oppia ihmisiltä ja #yhteisö'iltä, joille olemme perinteisesti tarjoamassa #kulutus'ta lisääviä läntisiä ratkaisu…
RT @ViuhkoMinna: Congratulations @koko_hubara and @RuskeatTytot for the @ETMUry award! ”There is no time for colour-blindness!”
RT @petruspennanen: Tapasin Albert Hofmannin konferenssissa -98. Hän kertoi minulle iloisena käyneensä Helsingin Yliopistossa 60-luvulla lu…
RT @xxlfunny1: training for delayed flight
@suviauvi Hmm,ei oo konetta kotona, mutta voisin yllattaa tyokaverit...
the anti-globalism à la Araújo, Trump or Orbán is just a snake oil concept for the masses.
RT @EliasAarnio: I can smell something hitting the fan. | Microsoft Office data telemetry breaches GDPR, Dutch investigators rule https://t…
RT @HumansOfLate: #humansoflatecapitalism
RT @BrazilianReport: Ernesto Fraga Araújo's rhetoric on social media shows that Jair Bolsonaro's pick to head Brazil's diplomacy might not…
RT @foeeurope: Powerful, effective grassroots resistance to fossil fuels - this is how we stop #ClimateBreakdown. ✊🏽✊🏿✊
Our latest podcast…
RT @Estadao: Mortes aumentam depois de intervenção militar; óbitos chegam a mais de mil
RT @Siemenpuu: Tervetuloa globaalin etelän metsien puolustamisesta kiinnostuneet ystävät Siemenpuun 20-vuotisjuhlasemmaan 26.11.2018 klo 15…
RT @MST_Oficial: Após duas décadas de produção orgânica, o Poder Judiciário emiti leminar de despejo contra 450 famílias do acampamento Qui…
RT @socioambiental: A luta pela demarcação não existe sem as lideranças indígenas. Dia 24 de novembro, várias delas estarão reunidas no Pro…
RT @raju: The scam continues
RT @wrkclasshistory: #OtD 16 Nov 1932 the USSR decreed that workers guilty of absenteeism had to be automatically dismissed, evicted from t…
RT @raju: There’s a Stress Gap Between Men and Women. Here’s Why It’s Important. via @NYTimes
RT @maailmanet: Yli 317 miljoonaa naista ja tyttöä käyttää ehkäisy 69:ssä matalan tulotason maassa, enemmän kuin koskaan ennen. Määrä on ka…
RT @iamvholloway: Rediscovered song honoring Frederick Douglass to be performed for the first time in a century
RT @tainasaarinen: Finnish academia is colourblind, middle class, heteronormative. Position of power enables bringing particular topics, cr…
RT @sophiegrig: This is just the sort of thing that Chenchu protesting against the building of tourist roads in their forest, in Amrabad Ti…
RT @simakela: ““We need to...shift to an economic model that accounts for the fact that we operate within a closed system – planet Earth –…
RT @realnickperry: On Wednesday night, @HistoryOfStokey asked 80 people to draw Stoke Newington on a map. Here's the democratic answer. htt…