Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @ninalakhani: Important thread of the avoidable death of the 7-year-old Guatemalan girl who died in border patrol custody…
RT @HarriKivisto: Michael Cohenin haastattelun transkripti on aika kovaa tavaraa. Trumpin osallisuus laittomuuksiin on ilmiselvää. https://…
RT @AnarcoFino: E era esse o povo que iria salvar o Brasil da corrupção? A surpresa segue sendo a chupeta do otário.…
RT @theintercept: In something of a good cop-bad cop routine, the public campaign being waged against the Paris agreement by top Trump offi…
RT @jimwyss: Two million additional Venezuelans are expected to flee their homeland in 2019, according to @Refugees and @UNmigration estima…
RT @Info_Activism: Did a slave make your sneakers? The answer is: probably
RT @morisy: .@magiccia @AGuillenG & @marcelaturati used #FOIA requests to all 27 Mexican states to map thousands of bodies buried in secret…
RT @befoune: "The Internet shutdown in #Cameroon was intended to shut down dissent, but the actual effect was it created a new generation o…
RT @AnarcoFino: Mas o ponto é que esses políticos corajosos, arautos da luta pela justiça, falam fininho quando o tema é milícia. Qual moti…
RT @AnarcoFino: Para os traficantes a medida é o extermínio sistemático, para os milicianos é exaltação dos "bons elementos" e legalização…
RT @AnarcoFino: Inclusive, é notório o silêncio dos Bolsonaros e do Witzel a respeito das milícias cariocas. Os corajosos aí adoram estufar…
RT @cynaramenezes: bolsonaro ZOMBOU de uma mulher que foi torturada, brindando a seu torturador, "o pavor de dilma rousseff", para o brasil…
RT @c_harig: Some generals in Bolsonaro's government have cited the Brazilian military's 'success' in UN peacekeeping in Haiti as a model f…
RT @houseofnoshave: Sobre as falsas narrativas adoçadas pela mídia: NÃO EXISTE LIBERDADE DE A SOBRE B. Parem de discutir o “direito” da…
RT @laurenarankin: I never want to hear another word about how this administration is “pro-life” EVER AGAIN.
RT @christibelcourt: When arts, Indigenous people and artists are a threat, the government will try to suppress our voices. Be LOUDER. Art…
RT @wahalahti: Jos ahdistuu muovipaketista enemmän kuin Thaimaan matkasta, mittasuhteet ovat vinksallaan #uutisvahti
RT @JFCrisp: From Italy to France: crossing in the cold:
RT @ABC: EXCLUSIVE: Michael Cohen on Pres. Trump: "The people of the United States of America, the people of the world, don't believe what…
RT @confeniae1: Introducción al uso de drones junto a las nacionalidades Siekopai, Siona, Waorani, Cofan, Kichwa, Shuar, Achuar, con el apo…
RT @tdbem: outsider e antissistema era a marielle, os bolsonaros são só uns parasitas
RT @johanneskoski: ”Ennenvanhaan suomalaiset pelkäsivät kutsua karhua karhuksi, ettei karhu kuule ja tule ja syö. Siksi karhulle piti keksi…
RT @ajplus: Here's how apartheid continues to haunt South Africa, two decades later.
RT @ZaneSelvans: The scientific publishing copyright cartels are fundamentally illegitimate.
RT @azeen: this @paldhous story is so impressive for a) combing through 2,400 police reports from cities claiming 0 hate crimes to find all…
RT @raju: .⁦@LetaHong⁩ on Betraying Big Brother: The Feminist Awakening in China
RT @BazziNYU: “Too little attention is being paid to MBS’s treatment of dissidents inside the kingdom, who often lack the resources to cons…
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: The notorious shoe-throwing journalist is on Twitter, it's @muntazer_zaidi