Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @FavelaELugadPaz: Calor de 70°🌡🌞 gruas em Bangu derreteu a caixa d'água de uma moradora 😱😱😰🌋🌅♨️
#Rio40° #Purgatorio #Bangu
RT @elgranjuego: Excellent reporting on how the Burmese government is "rebuilding" Northern Arakan after the ethnic cleansing of the #Rohin…
RT @profscontraoesp: Lançando uma luz sobre uma das grandes falsas polêmicas inventadas pelo Escola Sem Partido
RT @vhautaka: Blah. In Finland it was visible immediately - well-known racists/fascists first started branding themselves as "nationalists"…
RT @joaofellet: Escrevi sobre as sofisticadas estratégias de missionários para evangelizar índios na Amazônia - que incluem vivências na ré…
RT @elpais_brasil: "A sociedade queria punir e dar um recado aos políticos", diz o presidente da CUT sobre a eleição de Bolsonaro https://t…
RT @OwenJones84: Hungary's far-right regime is busy establishing a dictatorship, and the British Government is silent. Why? Because they're…
RT @proindio: Plano de Bolsonaro em rever Raposa Serra do Sol é inconstitucional, dizem especialistas Confira no @brasil247…
RT @Estadao: Ministério do Trabalho resgata 54 ‘escravos’ em fazenda de soja no Piauí:
RT @peterbakernyt: Trump Foundation to close after a court decision that allowed a lawsuit against it to move forward. New York State attor…
RT @cptnacional: #ConflitosNoCampo | Nota de repúdio contra ameaça de despejo do Povo Tremembé de Engenho (MA)
@ciminacional e CPT questio…
RT @PetraLaiti: Jälleen olemme tilanteessa, jossa saamelaiset väistävät oman oikeuskehityksensä kanssa odottamaan suotuisampia aikoja. Ei y…
RT @HarriHoltta: Mitkä syyt ovat aiheuttaneet luontotyyppien uhanalaistumisen Suomessa? Listan kärkipäässä vanhat tutut: metsätalous, ojitu…
RT @harrisimolin: Hei @HelsinkiPoliisi @SuomenPoliisi mitäköhän tämä tarkoittaa? Kehitysvammainen ihminen pakkopalautuslennolla? Hyvää joul…
RT @JussiPullinen: ”Jos lukijoiden luottamus tietokirjoihin rapautuu, lukijan on ihan sama käyttää vaikka wikipediaa tiedonhankintaan. Epäl…
RT @raju: .@Google virtually recreates Brazil's Museu Nacional which was destroyed in a fire.
Could be a nice mega project for, say, Quatar.
RT @Campograminoso: Tätä juttua Keskustan trollinaama K*r*ä ei halunnut minun lukevan.
Kiusallani luen, saatana! Lue sinäkin!…
RT @raju: Why persistent journalism matters
RT @aishizidan: @Hussein_al_Taee Itsevaltaiset arabihallinnot perustelevat omaa olemassa oloaan usein juuri vakaudella. Harmittaa tosi palj…
RT @theintercept: The Border Patrol systematically destroyed water supplies left for migrants in the desert, according to a report by @NoMo…
RT @BrazilianReport: 54 cops and five other suspects were arrested in an operation investigating corruption and links between the members o…
RT @CuriousZelda: He suddenly approaches me
He calls me by my name
He points the camera in my face
My life won't be the same…
RT @ClimateBen: A 14-year-old is perfectly capable of looking at the news and seeing terrible wildfires in California, bleaching of the Gre…
RT @top1whoisman: sv: transfobia
RT @adrianofotopro: Ônibus de excursão que ia para posse de Bolsonaro em Brasília sofre acidente.
Cuidado, imagens fortes.…
RT @SarahTaber_bww: Corn is a platform with both limitless purposes, and one purpose:
to turn rural land into a dependable & infinitely fu…
RT @lgsmigrants: We have hacked 100s of Tube ads across central London urging people to take action to stop deportations on commercial flig…
RT @Marcelodedois: O dia tá passando e eu daqui te pergunto, KD Queiroz ? Tá esperando o Moro assumir pra dar perdão ? Kd o Queiroz bando d…
RT @CleristonAndr: Depois do Coaf, os Bolsonaro já tentaram emplacar algumas polêmicas para desviar o foco:
- Ditadura chilena;
- Xingamen…