Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
@roedvin @jiijanette Liekkö tähti luodinkestävä?
RT @KoomikkoKivi: No minä jo vähän ajattelinkin, että onkos siellä persuissa tullut vähän työuupumusta kehiin, kun ei ole mitään luvatonta…
RT @mustapipa: Lupaus: "Edistämme vähäpäästöistä liikennettä."
Käytäntö: "Verotetaan tuota sähköautojen lataamista niin, että loppuu sekin…
RT @Survival: "At the heart of this violence is the failure to recognise that indigenous peoples and local communities are the true owners…
RT @ciminacional: “Destruíram as nossas plantações, mas não nos destruíram”: nota do Cimi Regional Maranhão sobre o despejo dos Tremembé d…
RT @niksibotti: Uppokastele sukkahousuja bensiinissä. Voit askarrella niistä kauniin joulukoristeen.
RT @tutamAW: This is incredibly low, even by the standards of @Deliveroo: mass sacking of #couriers charged for "fraud", an accusation the…
RT @SamCowie84: A sign of things to come? One of more than 200 Brazil congress newbies, YouTuber & American dream merchant already regrets…
RT @MBergNordlie: Jeg er veldig klar over at samenes rolle i historia har blitt usynliggjort, men jeg visste ikke at det er oss som er de o…
RT @elifxeyal: Trumps Syria withdrawal is a gift to the jihadi-allied Turkish state.
RT @GretaThunberg: Tomorrow is #FridaysForFuture Join us - wherever you are. #ClimateStrike #SchoolStrike4Climate
@TeivoTeivainen @_LeoCustodio_ @profscontraoesp
Brazil: Oeiras, a city in Piauí wants to become the Brazil's Finland of education. This article (mentioning the Ki…
RT @jukkalindstrom: Hesarin jutun kuvassa syyrialaisella lapsella on ilmeisesti suomalainen jussipaita päällään. Vai näenkö väärin? https:/…
RT @mustapipa: Policymakers have severely underestimated the risks of ecological tipping points, according to a study that shows 45% of all…
RT @rubyhamad: We are not winning. We are in danger of losing. Overt racism is more prevalent than it has been decades. This isn't about sp…
RT @SallaTuomivaara: Kaurajuoman CO2-päästöt kolmanneksen kevytmaitoon verrattuna. "Viime viikolla some-feedini täyttyi pitkistä ja hämmäst…
@tappelukerho Kunniallinen/kunniaton wtf?
RT @JoseLViveroPol: "The proof of the cake is in the taste" You can now read our multi-author book on "Food as a Commons" published by @Rou…
RT @SarahTaber_bww: It might interest you to know that the time it takes to learn how to be an effective farmworker is about 3 years.
RT @steal_my_tweets: It disturbing to me that Go Fund Fund Me regularly shuts down bail fundraisers for incarcerated people too poor to aff…
RT @IvanValente: Cristiane Brasil foi impedida pela Justiça de assumir o ministério do Trabalho no governo Temer por ter sido condenada em…
RT @maailmanet: ”Perinteinen kehitysyhteistyö ei enää yksinään riitä”, sanoo YK:n teknologia- ja innovaatiolaboratoriota Espoossa johtava M…
RT @socioambiental: Dividindo saberes, somando conhecimento! 💪🏾💚 Pesquisadores do Rio Negro foram a Berlim para discutir trocas entre povos…
RT @BRRN_Fed: Turkey says Kurdish militants in Syria will be 'buried in ditches' 🚨🚨 #DoNotAbandonRojava @RudawEnglish…
RT @biret: HS: Armeija kutsuttu apuun – droonihavainnot lamauttaneet Gatwickin lentokentän Lontoossa
RT @theintercept: Mattis has been tied to some of the worst war crimes of the Iraq invasion. He gave the order to attack the village of Muk…
RT @Katukissa161: Jos et ole kartalla Rojavan keskiviikkona muuttuneesta tilanteesta, niin aloita lukemalla tämä teksti! #StopTurkeyDefendR…
RT @deolhonoagro: João Américo França Vieira foi sócio de Rambo do Pará, morto pela PM do Pará em 1992; ambos atuavam em Castelo dos Sonhos…
RT @deolhonoagro: “Com base no processo histórico de demarcação e homologação da Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do Sol, um ato já efetivado pe…