Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @tpcosta1: @JornalOGlobo Minions dizem que são contra a luta pelas minorias pq preferem ver todos como humanos. Humanos? Na verdade, fic…
Brazil: the hate speech against indigenous peoples intensifies when people in the position of power engage with it…
RT @GuajajaraSonia: Se somos os primeiros a ser atacados temos que ser os primeiros a reagir. Se resistimos até aqui , não é agora que vam…
RT @AnaMardoll: Hello, I'm an programmer in a movie. I'm white, male, and conspicuously nerdy, and everything I code works on the first try…
RT @ninorhamos: Se tem escola pública que falta biblioteca, comida, banheiro, luz e carteira; como acontece doutrinação?
Tem escola que nã…
RT @_LeoCustodio_: I was interviewed by @SuomenKuvalehti for a story about the results of the Brazilian elections and the current (extrem…
RT @TTToivanen: ”Kaikki sanovat asioiden olevan huonosti, mutta oikeasti kaikki menee paremmin” -kirjoittelu on yleistynyt. Esimerkiksi use…
RT @SamCowie84: In Bolsonaro's Brazil, indigenous groups fear more violence, by me
RT @emirsader: VÍDEO: em shopping de Brasília, vendedor pergunta a Damares, de azul, se ela “é menino ou menina”
All signs are clear: Brazil is planning to burn the bridges with international human rights regime in order to rob…
Brazil: in a Globo interview General Augusto Heleno, the minister of the Institutional Security Cabinet attacks aga…
RT @Pro_Heinavesi: "Kaivosyhtiö Dragon Mining jatkaa kullan kaivamista ja malminetsintää Orivedellä, vaikka sen uusi lupahakemus hylättiin.…
@admaraxandre @domphillips @ossetnam @guardian Infelizmente, só tenho acesso aos números do PRODES 2017. Eu acho qu…
Brazil: so the new King of Roraima wants to confiscate the land of the indigenous peoples for their own good while…
RT @BRRN_Fed: On January 1st Evo Morales, the leftist president of Bolivia and member of the Movement Toward Socialism party, attended the…
RT @franciscopiyako:
RT @Survival: A letter to Brazil's new President @jairbolsonaro from Aruak, Baniwa and Apurinã #indigenous peoples
@admaraxandre @domphillips @ossetnam @guardian Here's a fast overlay of deforestation and TI data I made to demonst…
@admaraxandre @domphillips @ossetnam @guardian Thanks for the translation. Anyway, I seriously doubt points 3 and 4…
@admaraxandre @domphillips @ossetnam @guardian Obrigado pela tradução. De qualquer forma, duvido seriamente dos pon…
RT @raquelrenno: Two open calls on FoodFutures: "Eating Against Colapse" and "Follow the Food" #interactivos19 #periodismodatos19 https://…
@admaraxandre @domphillips @ossetnam @guardian The claims Salles makes in the interview you are referring to are ve…
RT @JamesMelville: Great artistry comes in many kinds of shapes and sizes.
First it beat us in chess. Then in go. Now this. What's next?
RT @Xettto: Se eu vi isso, vcs vão ver tb. Não quero ficar fazendo cara de ué sozinho.
RT @forexposure_txt:
RT @MidiaNINJA: 24 horas depois de assumir a presidência do Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro já colocou em prática seu projeto de país que coloca em…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Amid anti-vaccination campaign, measles in southern Thailand makes a forceful reappearance with thousands of cases and…
RT @brunoboghossian: A versão original do discurso de Bolsonaro no Planalto falava em redução da desigualdade social. Ao ler o texto no par…