Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @OutiPopp: @PohjolanS @ernabodstrom @KaiMykkanen @paularisikko @yleuutiset Miksi #kokoomus haluaa pelotella maahanmuuttajilla? Rikollisu…
RT @Sleutert: Reupping this. We do not have a border crisis. We have a big challenge in asylum processing that is exacerbated by the curren…
RT @DachshundOtto: Saturday squeak o clock! 🙉
RT @EDeportations: Our incredible casework team are supporting Dean Ablakawa, a former NHS nurse who was unlawfully deported to Ghana in Ju…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Authoritarians hate three things in the political sphere; facts, integrity, and courage.
By @TheRickWilson https://t.…
RT @FluffSociety: OS: "He closes his eyes and pretends he’s not there when he gets in trouble"
RT @antroblogi: Tässä ketjussa meillekin kirjoittaneen antropologi @Minnastiina n havaintoja Suomen roolista #Unkari'n mediassa esitetyssä…
RT @erikakokay: A cada 120 minutos um “príncipe” mata uma “princesa” no Brasil. Pense nisso!
RT @FluffSociety: "I totally meant to do that"
RT @AnarcoFino: Falar do genocídio dos povos indígenas não é um mero exercício de retórica, uma formulação hipotética, é um acontecimento:…
RT @PadraigBelton: This - for those of you who wondered - is exactly what being woken by a three-year old at 5 am is like.…
RT @Lexialex: I am sick of people who tone police WOC while a mad man is in office, who’s not only said, but done much worse than calling s…
@LuDornelles2 @duarteeed @UrsaHaru De nada :) Senhora Tuíra Kayapó ainda é politicamente ativa.
@duarteeed @LuDornelles2 @UrsaHaru
RT @41Strange: Garamon monster from the 1960s Japanese TV series "Ultra Q"
RT @MariPantsar: Hieno kirjoitus @TheEconomist'ssa puurakentamisesta. 🌲🏚️
Teräksestä, joka tuottaa 8 % maailman päästöistä, puolet käytetä…
RT @Rainmaker1973: The Logarithmic Spiral Gears is an extreme example of non-circular gear sets. This set is based on the famous Fibonacci…
RT @Robertaandradee: Madeireiros invadiram hoje a terra indígena de Arara, nos municípios de Uruará e Medicilândia, no Pará. BOL卐ONARO é um…
RT @andretrig: Invasão de Território Indígena é crime. Novo Governo precisa agir rápido e com rigor expulsando os invasores! Se for o caso,…
RT @FluffSociety: "Such good tippy taps"
RT @AmazonWatch: Five climate struggles to watch in 2019
#4: Rainforest deforestation in Brazil
RT @Makno20: British government right now:
RT @hatr: China has built an extensive online censorship system. But humans are smarter than A.I. and can circumvent approaches to automati…
RT @ruusuvaakalintu: "Superrikkaat ovat ansainneet rahansa, koska tekevät yhtä paljon töitä kuin 2,2 miljoonaa köyhää yhteensä!" https://t.…
RT @Katukissa161: Hahahaha, misogyyninen fasistiryhmä #ProudBoys rakoilee. Vicen perustajajäsen (sittemmin sieltä pois lähtenyt) Gavin McIn…
RT @EPLBible: I can’t stop watching this. 😂
RT @OlliKarkkainen: Jotenkin tuntuu että liikkumisen ilmastovaikutukset ei vielä ole ihan oikein hinnoiteltu kun Helsingistä Ouluun lentämi…