Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @jonathanwatts: Bolsonaro government takes another step towards leaving outside world in the dark about what is happening in the Brazili…
RT @BRRN_Fed: What do federal government employees think about Trump’s border wall shut down? Let’s see. 🤔 #NoPayNoFucks…
Brazil: Ministry of Environment suspended agreements and partnerships with NGOs for 90 days. The minister Salles is…
RT @GugaNoblat: Estatuto do Desarmamento estancou parte da sangria provocada por anos de cultura de armas no Brasil, as taxas de homicídios…
@cris_aint_br So far-right separatists then? Maybe representing some fucked up pan-slavic duginist master race ideology?
@cris_aint_br It's an old slavic/east european pagan symbol and not a nazi related per se. There has been a reviva…
RT @sensacionalista: Tragédia: criança leva liquidificador para a escola e faz vitamina para todos
RT @kasperstromman: THIS IS FINLAND National cushion: Whoopee cushion National burger: Whopper National bird:
RT @yaso: Então os liberais se venderam ao conservadorismo esperando que o governo incentivasse a inovação digital internamente? Vendeu e…
RT @alex_randall: "Can imagined futures of drowned cities and solar utopias help us grasp the complexity of climate change?"…
RT @internetofshit: 🎶 He knows when you've been sleeping He knows when you're awake He knows when you've been bad or good so be good for…
RT @tutamAW: Finland's @FinELibpalvelu cannot afford #FrancisTaylor's & #Wiley's #academic journal databases. This is unfortunately nothing…
RT @svuorikoski: Brittiparlamentti on just äänestänyt Mayn #brexit-diilin kumoon.
RT @Paula_Piccard: 11 questions that can help decide whether or not your company needs to use blockchain: @wef v…
MEIDÄN KAIKKIEN OIKEUSTAJU??? Huh, mitähän Sipilän pään sisällä oikeasti liikkuu? Finnish Psycho.
RT @MiikkaKeranen: Siis todellako hallitus neuvottelee siitä, pitäisikö ihmisiä lähettää kuolemaan? @juhasipila ja @PetteriOrpo - kertokaa,…
RT @domphillips: Brazil's Bolsonaro signs decree loosening gun ownership rules. Mine for @guardian
RT @doctorow: Angry Christians riot and throw firebomb at a museum that exhibits 'McJesus' sculpture…
RT @tereensio: EU glyphosate approval was based on plagiarised Monsanto text, report finds
RT @cris_aint_br: Militares com privilégios previdenciários. Militares ditando que tipo de governo deve ser aceito. Militares no governo. E…
RT @TiinaMSandberg: Hyvää syntymäpäivää Rosa Luxemburg!
RT @interneiti: kuuntelin politiikkaradion uuden raiskausjakson, jonka haastattelussa kokoomuksen kyttä sanoi, että "me halutaan edelleen p…
RT @jotacorreria: "O ministro-chefe da Casa Civil, Onyx Lorenzoni, afirmou nesta tarde que o governo estuda a dedução de imposto para a aqu…
RT @MiikkaKeranen: En tiennyt, että #siniset sanovat suoraan, että haluavat tappaa ihmisiä. Siis tappaa ihmisiä. Vastenmielistä ja epäinh…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Protecting guaras, Honduras’s national bird. In cocaine country, smugglers are also going after scarlet macaws — The 5…
The upper middle class can start playing with their new toys at home, occasionally killing one of their family memb…
RT @kotkavirta: Sekä Britannia että USA ovat täydellisessä lamaannuksen tilassa ja poliittisessa umpikujassa. Molemmissa eniten kärsivät ta…
RT @Vinncent: Yep this is the moment in an empire's history when things really start to really go uphill
RT @bruceecurb: One of the main lobbyists for loosening Brazil's gun laws is unhappy with today's decree. "It didn't please anyone," said B…