Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @tutamAW: World Bank: Combined with tax concessions, the #Exxon #LNG project in #PapuaNewGuinea created “a complex web of exemptions and…
RT @mustapipa: Grönlannin mannerjäätikköä katoaa vuodessa 45 000 Kheopsin pyramidin verran – sulamisvesien mukana vapautuu suuria määriä me…
RT @RodP13: Polícia Federal: decreto de Bolsonaro sobre armas trará "nefastas consequências". Ou seja: a PF é contra o governo do Bo$o. @br…
RT @brasil247: Jurista propõe impeachment de Fux e diz que o STF não merece ministro tão desprezível
RT @BreasleyAdam: @aiww Australia heatwave: overnight minimum of 35.9C in Noona sets new record
RT @mjauhola: tiedät että populismi jyllää, kun kuulet sanat "kun kansan oikeustaju on ristiriidassa kansainvälisen sopimuksen tulkinnan ka…
RT @Senficon: BREAKING: Council has failed to find an agreement on its #copyright position today. This doesn’t mean that #Article11 and #Ar…
RT @submedia: IT'S NOT OVER! #unistoten #wetsuwetenstrong
RT @ljaakonsaari: Ihmisoikeusjärjestöjen on syytä olla valppaina. Hallitus on viimeaikaisten traagisten tapahtumien seurauksena kiinnostun…
Suo ehkä kiinnostaa tällanen äärioikeiston sisällissota :D @EerolaSami
RT @EngnRoom: 📢 We're looking for a thoughtful, good communicator to support our communications work as a part-time consultant. Think it…
RT @emirsader: Caso Flávio Bolsonaro pode colocar atuação de MP e Coaf na mira do STF - 18/01/2019 - UOL Notícias
RT @Greenpeace: Arctic 100 years ago vs Today. This is the truth about the #10YearChallenge. RT if you agree. #climatechange (Images c…
RT @RadioYande: Y significa água. Vindo do tupi antigo, YBY significa terra. Ou água, terra, água. É com esse nome cheio de significado que…
RT @lolaescreva: O olavette e ex-MBL foi tirado do Enem, mas ñ do MEC. Já ganhou outro cargo. Continua sem ter nenhuma experiência na área…
RT @CodingRights: Hey gurls, watch out! Every day many women are victims of non-consensual dissemination of intimate images. #sad So, take…
RT @andrewickstroem: Great name for a police.
RT @EngnRoom: Join @humdata @federation @HeatherLeson and others on 4 February to collaborate on building data literacy among humanitarians…
RT @rhizomatica: Three generations of technology (2G-GSM, 3G-UMTS & 4G-LTE) that can now all be operated using Free and Open Source Softwar…
RT @WillSandyDesign: Thought you might appreciate this @thisaintrock @ExtinctionR - maybe a new colour way for the ER logo? Australian desi…
RT @Hyokyaalto: Juuri nyt: Radikaali verkosto Hyökyaalto osoittaa mieltään Dragon Miningin Sastamalan rikastamolla – Katso video #kaivokse…
RT @vinicf: Olha quem está mamando // Olha quem está mamando também #tuiteumfilmecommamata
RT @FaiMujer: The Wet’suwet’en have not made any agreement with the Canadian government to surrender or permit access to #Wetsuweten lands…