Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @WarrenWhitlock: Could this be the end of the road for asphalt and concrete? #environment #roads #solarenergy
RT @doctorow: Winners Take All: the Davos Edition (how elites launder looting with phoney philanthropy) https://t.c…
RT @carapanarana: "O ex-policial militar Adriano Nóbrega, 42, hoje foragido e suspeito de chefiar uma milícia na zona oeste do Rio de Jane…
RT @andreawerner_: Vergonha do dia: jornais holandeses repercutem vídeo de 2013 em que Damares diz que "na Holanda, os pais são orientados…
RT @jasonlouv: Absolutely incredible. Alzheimer's is likely caused by *gum disease* - when the same bacteria that breaks down gum tissue ge…
RT @doctorow: Facebook sold out the internet, secretly lobbied IN FAVOUR of upload filters
RT @ManuelaDavila: DICIONÁRIO DO BOLSONARO: Homem adulto, branco, filho do presidente, eleito SENADOR em razão do sobrenome. Emprega mãe e…
RT @gleisi: O esforço para isolar Flavio Bolsonaro com a crise é forte, mas em vão! Queiroz é amigo-irmão, há décadas, não de Flavio, mas d…
RT @alfonslopeztena: The Trump administration finds yet another way to harm federal employees: its refusal to allow states to offer unemplo…
RT @emirsader: Mangueira prepara desfile em resposta ao projeto Escola Sem Partido - 24/01/2019 - UOL Entretenimento
RT @CreateRefresh: Why Article 13 doesn’t work for independent artists 🚫🎵
RT @alfonslopeztena: Only 7% of American voters support giving Trump funding for his Mexico border wall to end the U.S. government shutdown…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Trump made 3,135 false claims in his second year in office. In his first year, it was 1,072. Through Sunday, he had ma…
RT @brasil247: Após fiasco de Bolsonaro, Davos estampa a faixa ‘EleNão’
RT @muusisilta: Raamatun jakeet, jotka kehottavat krisittyjä transvihaan: 0 kpl Raamatun jakeet, jotka kehottavat kristittyjä tekoihin köy…
RT @koivulaakso: Perussuomalaisten Espoon valtuustoryhmän puheenjohtajalle syyte kiihottamisesta kansanryhmää vastaan…
RT @Andrew__Roth: The bad news is Our Guys in Salisbury the board game really does exist and there are 5,000 copies on sale. There is no go…
RT @foeeurope: Incredible scenes: 32,000 at the #YouthForClimate strike today - the third week in a row that thousands of students have ski…
RT @arnkil: 1990-luku: informaation supervaltatie tulee avaamaan valtavia mahdollisuuksia oppimiselle. 2020-luku: ihmiset lataavat pornoa…
RT @caioharen: flavio flavio 😠 yes papa 🥺 cometendo crimes???? 😡👮🏻‍♂️ no papa 😧😧 telling lies???? 🤬🤬😡 no papa 😖😫 open yout mouth 😎😎…
RT @jules_su: Pretty exciting to watch conservatives insist that children who voice their opinion are literal martyrs - unless they narrowl…
RT @GretaThunberg: Some people say that we are not doing enough to fight climate change. But that is not true. Because to ”not do enough” y…
RT @fann_VEVO: Isso é mais triste ainda porque na maioria dos laboratórios a gente não tem material e tem que usar o dinheiro da bolsa pra…
RT @adowniebrazil: Brazil's powerful new justice minister cancelled his press conference at Davos, disappointing an audience keen to hear a…
RT @tereensio: "Planning for a climate emergency is not a doomsday scenario. It’s humanity’s insurance plan for survival."…
RT @jmkorhonen: Minut voi vaikka laittaa kaivavaam ojia ilmastonmuutoksen pysäyttämiseksi, kunhan samaan aikaan toiset eivät roiskuta bemar…