Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

@TeivoTeivainen ...joilla on jo totuttu ratkomaan vahemmistokysymykset poliittisella vakivallalla kuten murhilla ja militioilla.
@TeivoTeivainen Varmasti kansainvalinen poliittinen ja taloudellinen paine vaikuttaa hillitsevasti. Mutta esimerkik…
RT @nxirvanna: trump normalmente: odeio latino trump vendo uma oportunidade de explorar o brasil as custas de presidente burro: https://t…
RT @KariLapio: Poliittinen korrektius on mennyt liian pitkälle
Brazil: indigenius ethnicity Pankararu's village Bem Querer de Baixo In Pernambuco has suffered an arson attack: it…
RT @ggreenwald: I'm certain of this, too. Like most fanatical far-right leaders, Bolsonaro loves Israel & craves closeness to it. With the…
RT @SPKahmi: Brasilian Bolsonaron "parhaat" palat.
RT @pressfreedom: Impunity in the murders of journalists “is a cancer on accountability and democracy.” #EndImpunity @RobertMMahoney https:…
@carapanarana @semfimlucrativo Kkkkkkkkkkk
RT @rmack: Journalists are being killed with impunity around the world. Read this important new report from @pressfreedom. #EndImpunity htt…
RT @nikoravattinen: Olen tyytyväinen nykyisen ammattiliittoni, Akavan Erityisalat ratkaisuun #fjäder asiassa. #eroafjäder #fjäder #akava #…
RT @enioverri: Paulo Guedes na BandNews: "Em janeiro faremos a reforma da previdência e vamos rever direitos dos trabalhadores".
RT @AmazonChique: Fascists aren’t pro-“free speech.” They’re pro”mandatory listening.” They don’t want anyone but themselves to speak, and…
RT @AishaBenahmed: Ehkäpä Titanic II ei olekaan niin tuhoon tuomittu projekti, sillä ei 2022 enää mitään jäävuoria ole
RT @mustapipa: Oh dear, we didn't quite meant to make it that obvious that we would rather support fascists than anything even remotely lef…
RT @Survival: President-elect Jair Bolsonaro warns he’s going to rip up the Raposa Serra do Sol Indigenous Reserve. Local ranchers bitterl…
RT @Vinncent: Unfortunately, I think two things are likely to happen no matter what: 1. Bloodshed, as police become even more aggressive.…
RT @baixacultura: Atento aos acontecimentos brasileiros, Morozov falou ao @NexoJornal sobre a convergência entre interesses comerciais de…
RT @tomphillipsin: And so the resistance begins. "1 week ago Jair Bolsonaro said anyone who opposed him could choose between prison or exil…
RT @Vinncent: At least five of my friends in Brazil posted this image today
@merentie @MattiRutonen No suosittelen tutustumaan Haddadin puolueen valtakauteen ja suhteuttamaan sen Brasilian hi…
@merentie @MattiRutonen Eli maalailit maisemaa taloudellisesta kaaoksesta ihan hatusta. Venezuela-kortin heiluttelu…
@merentie @MattiRutonen Ja milla perusteella mielestasi Haddadin valinta olisi johtanut Venezuelan tilanteeseen?
RT @hivos: The #Karipuna #Amazon community - fighting illegal #deforestation - faces a new threat: #Brazil's new president. “Bolsonaro alre…
RT @witnessorg: We're sending immense love and support to our partners in Brazil after the news of far-right candidate Jair Bolsanaro's win…
RT @evgenymorozov: While everyone is freaking out about China’s social credit system, good old Western democracies keep innovating ...||| “…
RT @pierobl: Na beira da eleição, os chineses fizeram um dos maiores movimentos da tomada do setor energético do país - a oferta por Santo…
RT @witnessorg: Amplify activism by archiving #humanrights footage. #ArchiveMonth
RT @Oatmeal: Today is both #NationalCatDay AND #NationalOatmealDay. Today is my day.