Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @heisaana: Loistouutinen. Josko jossain vaiheessa se myyjä hoksaisi, että "En tarvii apua, vaan haluan katsella…
RT @ggreenwald: The Brazilian judge hailed all over the world for fighting corruption but maligned by many for acting with political & ideo…
RT @Poynter: Russia: 8 unsolved cases Mexico: 26 unsolved cases Philippines: 40 unsolved cases Here's where journalists are killed with im…
RT @bruceecurb: Can't wait for the novelisation of this tale:
RT @sarahleah1: Disturbing case of two #Saudi women found dead in New York. Had applied for asylum. Police investigating.…
RT @netsensei: Nearly 20,000 hours of audio from the #Apollo missions has been transferred to digital storage using literally the last mach…
RT @CodingRights: And if you are outside Brazil and also want to help institutions that harbor people who are victims of violence, misogyny…
Yes, this is crucial: in the bolsonazi discourse, who is understood as the cidadão de bem and who as the criminal…
Bolsonarohan siis pelkalla lupauksella katsoa sormien valista jo ennestaan kaynnissa ollutta ja viime aikoina kiiht…
RT @torproject: Amig@s do Brasil: Ninguém solta a mão de ninguém. Se você precisa fazer uma busca ou acessar informação online sem medo de…
RT @ARautiainen: Iranin tiedustelupalvelun epäillään suunnitelleen iskua Tanskassa – Tanska ilmoitti järeistä otteista: Vaatii EU:n laajuis…
@bruceecurb "fico na dúvida se eles são tiros ou fogos"
RT @veikkalahtinen: En ymmärrä miksi kukaan luottaisi tämän vaalikauden jälkeen politiikkaan. 1. Kansalaisaloitteet jäävät käsittelemättä…
RT @intervozes: Enquanto organização de defesa da liberdade de expressão, do direito à comunicação e dos DHs em geral, o Intervozes conside…
RT @ethiopienne: because journalism is an industry chock full of white gatekeepers who would rather gaslight their few colleagues of color…
Äijäbuumi on jo saattanut nahda parhaat hetkensa, mutta ehdotan silti äijienpäivää viralliseen juhlapaivakalenteriin.
RT @Vinncent: Bolsonaro is much more extreme than Trump. But my guess is that in practice, Bolsonaro won't be able to bend the truth as muc…
RT @ChuckWendig: TRUMP: "I've decided to eat babies." PEOPLE: "He can't eat babies, that's super illegal." TRUMP, on TV, eating babies, n…
RT @FaiMujer: #Oaxaca: Indigenous Anarchist Political Prisoner Begins Hunger Strike - Miguel Angel Peralta Betanzos is one of the 7 #Indige…
RT @SyksyRasanen: "My research suggests that across Europe and North America, centrists are the least supportive of democracy, the least co…
RT @BRRN_Fed: This is the reality of the US border. Asylum seekers and migrant are greeting by militarized police and now thousands of sold…
RT @Lottagron: Kun keittiö palaa ei a) selitetä että eihän me voitu herättää nukkuvia ihmisiä (säikyttely) b) jäädä itkemään että kaikki…
RT @mustapipa: Living planet report 2018 - read and weep. Then act.
RT @Vinncent: For anyone saying, "Bolsonaro can't be racist! He likes Israel!" or, "Bolsonaro can't be a right-wing extremist, he likes Isr…
RT @patrickgaley: And as biomass isn't spread equally across the globe, some area's losses have been far more acute than others. South/Ce…
RT @patrickgaley: Mankind is pursuing a path that is uniquely catastrophic for Earth. First, we pump CO2 into the atmosphere, which heats…
RT @patrickgaley: And there are a few hardy souls who convinced themselves that none of this is our fault. But the data couldn't be clear…