Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
It`s good to remember that Bolsonaro hasn't started anything new regarding the violence against indigenous peoples…
RT @Vinncent: If they want to copy Trump's administration (and they clearly do) then they should have Bolsonaro as the clown up front, figh…
RT @arnkil: ”Tarvitaan luotettava vihreä kasvo. Henkilö, jonka koko Suomi tuntee.”
RT @LABlair1492: Sergio Moro taking a top job with bolso is really going to help with those “golpe” optics
RT @antroblogi: Toisinaan kuolema on epävarma. Välimerellä katoavien siirtolaisten perheiden epätietoisuus ja brasilialaiseen parantolaan k…
RT @sekoomus: Useita fantasianovelleja/apurahahakemuksia kirjoittaneena tämä on aika tarkka kuvaus.
RT @svuorikoski: Mediat ja poliitikot hehkuttavat Terrafamea, vaikka yhtiön kassa on miinuksella – Myös akkutehtaassa on riskinsä, kirjoitt…
RT @tutamAW: To mediate the adverse effects of #ClimateChange, which is not the doing of an abstract "humanity", but of a specific politica…
Brazil: The ministries of environment and agriculture are merging. This means that the defense of environmental va…
RT @astroehlein: She was literally caught on camera assaulting refugees, but Hungary's top court says it wasn't a criminal act, overturning…
RT @taisesss:
RT @Info_Activism: [New Release] Gendersec Curricula - introducing a feminist perspective to digital security and privacy trainings https:/…
RT @Info_Activism: Why Is Steve Bannon Giving a Keynote Speech About Nationalism at an Academic Tech Conference
RT @_LeoCustodio_: The new president of Brazil will move the Ministry of Environment - which regulates the environment - into the Ministry…
RT @_LeoCustodio_: Just FYI: merging the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture under agribusiness pressure was a campaign promise. After…
RT @_LeoCustodio_: Brazilian politics is now predominantly fascist. My anti-racism and social-justice activist research in/out of my home c…
RT @tatikmd: sistema bancário ✅
empresariado ✅
forças armadas ✅
grande parte da classe política, incluindo notórios corruptos ✅
tá de parab…
RT @anapuakamuniz: Envie seu filme até 30 de novembro de 2018.
As inscrições são gratuitas e podem ser realizadas no site do Cine Kurumin:…
RT @ggreenwald: Bolsonaro has deputized Paulo Gedes as his "economic guru" and "super-minister." He's a caricature privatizing & austerity…
RT @Vinncent: Oh look Bolsonaro's right-hand economics man (University of Chicago trained) will consolidate three whole ministries under hi…
RT @franciscopiyako: Grande retrocesso para a questão ambiental e de desenvolvimento sustentável do país!
RT @DLBiller: We got confirmation today Guedes' economy ministry will be merger of the finance ministry (which includes Treasury), planning…
RT @ylijuonikas: Muistui mieleen, että Turun kirjamessuilla ohitseni käveli kaksi kloonisoturiksi naamioitunutta larppaajahenkilöä. Sekään…
RT @GuajajaraSonia: A fusão do Min. de Meio Ambiente com o de Agricultura será lembrado como um dos símbolos do início da tragédia socioamb…
RT @MuseWendi: yesterday afternoon,after i'd finally gone to sleep after hrs of being glued to the screen reading/posting info abt the elec…
RT @ABC: Tourists and residents in Venice's famous St. Mark's Square wade in nearly waist deep water as the city experienced its worst floo…
RT @THUotila: If $BTC was used as widely as credit cards, it would boost #globalwarming by about 2 degrees by 2033.
But I'm sure fiat curr…
minkalainen rokote tepsisi sukupuuttoaaltoon ja ilmastonmuutokseenß
RT @TeivoTeivainen: “One of the police said I was showing political preference by mentioning fake news." Freedom of expression and #academi…
RT @Estadao: 4 são baleados por PM embriagado que participava de ato pró-Bolsonaro em Salvador…