Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @BernardoMF: No governo, Moro será colega de políticos com o mesmo perfil de sua clientela em Curitiba. O juiz já disse que a prática de…
RT @marcelorubens: Tudo que Bolsonaro queria: entramos no jogo político do Oriente Médio, cenário trágico do terrorismo internacional. http…
RT @zei_nabq: Jordan Peterson's lobster boys are sending death threats to university professors now because they signed a letter objecting…
RT @luizguiprado: Pesado porém verídico
RT @Info_Activism: What’s disinformation doing “right” and what can newsrooms learn from it? @anxiaostudio
RT @theintercept: Earlier this week, we were able to select “white genocide conspiracy theory” as a pre-defined “detailed targeting” criter…
RT @lizflock: Nigeria’s army used Trump’s speech about the caravan to justify shooting (and killing) protesters
RT @1981annozero: Ei, @YouTube, vocês apagam video de rap Anti-Fascista, mas mantêm vídeos racistas e nazistas sem problema em sua platafor…
RT @leif_hagert: Minä olen puhunut romanien työllistymisongelmista vuosia.
Minua ennen tästä on puhuttu vuosikymmeniä.
Valitettavasti meidä…
RT @MuseWendi: Black lives matter, standing rock protestors, migrant caravan: peacefully demonstrate, are attacked by police & military
RT @SamCowie84: In Brazil's South, transport company heir who praises Pinochet leads crackdown on teachers
RT @SamCowie84: São Paulo: military police officer shoots Uber driver in the head "by accident". Incoming governor Doria said Sunday that c…
RT @AliAbunimah: Israel has been quietly supporting the Saudi Bone Saw Prince since the murder of Khashoggi. Now it is doing so openly. htt…
RT @niksibotti: Jos et jaksa tai ehdi lähteä lenkille, tee neulalla reikä kananmunan kuoren puolikkaan pohjaan. Hyvä idea
RT @Info_Activism: #TheGlassRoomExperience at the Making The Black Box Speak 2-4 Nov, a 3
day event in Munich bringing together internation…
"What to him is a resource to exploit is to us a world of characters, inside jokes, and meanings that speak to a sp…
RT @SamCowie84: This will do absolute wonders to heal the bitter divisions in Brazil politics and society
RT @ciminacional: Escola e posto de Saúde usados pela comunidade indígena foram incendiados na madrugada da última segunda-feira (29). Audi…
RT @brandimarte: Brazil's President-elect Jair Bolsonaro may abandon his plan to merge the ministries of agriculture and environment after…
RT @astroehlein: A state representative-elect from Bolsonaro´s party has even called on students to film and report teachers who make “poli…
RT @OttoBruun: Huomenta! @VTTFinland yrittää ratkaista lisähakkuiden pulmaa tarjoamalla ilmastoratkaisuksi biohiiltä. Laskelmassa ohitetaan…
RT @Vinncent: At lunch with a friend in São Paulo, Brazil, today - "Well, the thing is, we don't know if this government is going to last l…
RT @brumelianebrum: Primeiro o homem disparou duas vezes, e depois deu uma advertência: "Eu lembro bem. Ele disse ‘treze, não. Aqui é nós.…
RT @tutamAW: Voima published several well-researched articles on @foodora_fi and the #gigeconomy. Courier @NicolsonMarcus tells about work…
RT @MidiaNINJA: Por @crisvector, no Instagram
Siga @designativista, no Instagram
RT @LolaOdusoga: Päivän matikkaproblema 🍬🍬:
Lapsi ostaa 500g irtsareita.
Koulun erityiseen tapahtumaan saa viedä vain 300g painavan pus…
RT @TAJuuso: Suomi estämässä YKn ihmisoikeusneuvoston alaisen mekanismin toimia ja toiminta mahdollisuuksia! Mikä on suomen sitoumus YK ihm…
RT @cinefilo_K: 23:59
“Bolsonaro vai enxugar os ministérios e acabar com a mamata”
Bolsonaro quer criar MINISTÉRIO DA FAMÍLIA pra ac…
RT @rmack: Netizen Report: How WhatsApp (and $3 million) helped carry Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro to victory via @advox…
RT @guardiancities: Stockholm says no to Apple 'town square' in its oldest park