Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @BRRN_Fed: California renters face a crisis of rising rents, displacement, and gentrification. Prop 10 won't be a fix but opens the door…
RT @Mariapalestina: #Palestinian icon Aed Abo Omar has been targeted and shot by an #israeli terrorist sniper in the north of the #GazaStri…
RT @viisaampi: @TPeurakoski @AntifaFinland @sakuvee74 @tomi_savolainen @suviauvi @PetraLaiti Onpahan tyhjentävä vastaus toistettuun kysymyk…
RT @ambrowoll: #helvettihaaste oikeasta elämästä:
#Sisäministeriö ujuttaa eduskunnan läpi muutoksen, jolla #tphakijat'n oikeuksia heikennet…
RT @KoomikkoKivi: Persut symppaavat Italian oikeistopopulistihallitusta. Samaan aikaan Italian talous on täysin retuperällä.
Jos Italian…
RT @derechosdigital: Gobernanza de internet y perspectiva de género: conoce la propuesta del IGFem en México y únete a la celebración el 10…
RT @Vinncent: Bolsonaro will soon find that being a mini-Trump doesn't win you many friends that aren't named Trump. Donald Trump himself o…
RT @DeadPundits: Good analysis on the "trickle down authoritarianism" of Bolsonaro by
@bhbradlow in @BostonReview. The essay builds on som…
Demarcação já!
Melko paskaa iterointia diplomi-insinoorilta
RT @intervozes: Bia Barbosa participa agora do workshop “Autoridades de Proteção de Dados Pessoais: desenhos institucionais, competências…
RT @VirpiHeikkila: EKP laittoi maltalaisen skandaalipankin säppiin - rahalaitoksen todellisen luonteen paljasti toimittaja, joka joutui sal…
RT @bopanc: Great piece
RT @SeymourBugs: @Hbomberguy Oldie
RT @PatrizioLaina: Samaa olen pohtinut minä. Heterodoksiset vaikutteet tuntuvat jäävän kokonaan sivuun uudesta Helsinki GSE:stä. Vaarana ho…
RT @Info_Activism: Energy cost of 'mining' bitcoin more than twice that of copper or gold - New research reveals that cryptocurrencies requ…
RT @Info_Activism: The margin of error: 7 tips for journalists covering polls and surveys
RT @TheInterceptBr: O desastre de Mariana completa 3 anos sem nenhuma conclusão. Em Conceição do Mato, também em MG, a Anglo American desej…
RT @gustavouribe: começaram as reações internacionais ao presidente eleito
RT @ggreenwald: Kudos to @intifada for having the courage to publish "The Lobby," the 4-part Al Jazeera undercover investigation about Isra…
RT @CuriousZelda: He has a lead, he has a plug,
He move at speed, along the rug,
He run on wheels, he suck up dirt,
He only steals, I'm…
RT @sovietblobfish: this is technological fascism
a criminals life is worth less than a dog
those who are homeless or old or large have li…
RT @debocheiireal:
RT @intervozes: só vem! Segurança digital rima com privacidade que rima com liberdade 😍 Vem aí a Criyptofesta em Recife! Sábado, 10. Só che…
RT @kasperstromman: Turun kaupungilla on tällä hetkellä meneillään kuvituskilpailu jonka palkintona on että tekijä saa ”nimensä esille teok…
RT @brandimarte: Bolsonaro to push forward giant Brazil oil sale -- the so-called
transfer-of-rights area, reports @sabrinavalle https://…
RT @bruceecurb: One third of Brazil's new Congress is under investigation for crimes ranging from corruption to sexual harassment. Among th…
@apaatti No herramunjee eiko tallasta viela muka ole?
RT @GuajajaraSonia: Há exatos 3 anos acontecia em Mariana o maior ecocídio da história do Brasil. Até hoje povos indígenas, ribeirinhos e o…