Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @zeynep: Every vote should be counted, however long it takes, but I think it's unaccetable that one of the richest nations in the world…
RT @BRRN_Fed: The death toll of US #Imperialism: “Between 480,000-507,000 people were killed in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq in the wake…
RT @outilansman: Saamelaistutkijan tutkimus ei ole validi, koska tämä on saamelainen. Tämä on kummallisimpia näkökulmia tiedemaailmassa.…
RT @Asher_Wolf: A Powerful Solar Storm Likely Detonated Dozens of U.S. Sea Mines During the Vietnam War
RT @KariLapio: Ehkä sitä, kun feminiineiltä edellytetään itsensä ehostamista muuten voi jäädä vaikkapa työpaikka saamatta joten köyhä tilaa…
RT @Finnwatch1: Ympäri maailman säädetään kunnianhimoisia lakeja yritysten ihmisoikeusvastuusta. Suomi uhkaa jäädä jälkeen. Nostetaan yhdes…
RT @foe_us: BREAKING: A federal judge just blocked to long-delayed Keystone XL pipeline, ruling that the Trump administration ignored clima…
RT @SchoolOfMaaa: Berliners, come learn to express yourself creatively with code! New @openframeworks evening class begins next week, no ex…
RT @theintercept: In June, Jeff Sessions placed new limits on the ability of domestic violence victims to receive asylum, with dire consequ…
RT @Reuters: Mystery of firm named by slain Maltese journalist takes a new twist Read the latest in the #DaphneProj…
RT @BRRN_Fed: New trends in #capitalism: seniors working service industry jobs to supplement meager retirement savings. #TrySocialism #Tr…
RT @dicktofel: So far, the reaction of the White House press corps (and their editors) to the banning of Acosta has been entirely rhetorica…
RT @MaiKivela: Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentältä on lähtenyt 2 000 siitoskettua Kiinaan viikko sitten torstaina. Suomalainen tarhaus edistää t…
RT @milotoivonen: Nyt tarvitaan tyhjän puhujien sijaan tekijöitä. ✅Varhaiskasvatus kuntoon ✅Peruskoulu kuntoon ✅Toisen asteen oppiminen ku…
RT @niinaratilainen: Aivan loistavaa! Hyvä esimerkki siitä, miten yksittäiset ihmiset voi tehdä ympäristössään suuria muutoksia kestävän tu…
RT @bruceecurb: Dr Rey, the fame-hungry plastic surgeon and perennial runner-up in Brazilian electoral politics, rocked up at Jair Bolsonar…
RT @Tonkiel: pra acabar com tudo isso que ta aí
RT @cabinetmagazine: Jumping spiders are the only known invertebrates able to recognize images on a television screen. @margaretwerth on @N…
RT @theintercept: U.S. gave military jeeps to Guatemala to fight drug trafficking. Instead, they were used to intimidate an anti-corruption…
RT @LSE_LACC: "During Chile's dictatorship, counties hosting a military base had more than twice the number of victims of violence than cou…
RT @ConnorSouthard: Oh man that's some classic Onion hyperbole haha
RT @TiinaLandau: Vaikeaa ymmärtää: valtioiden tuet fossiilisille polttoaineille kasvoivat vuonna 2017 maailmassa 12 %, yhteensä 300 miljard…
BREAKING: Sipila lupaa syoda hiilitabletteja kaavailtujen lisahakkuiden ilmakehaan vapattaman hiilen verran.…
RT @DLBiller: Update: appears Bolsonaro did not admit Dr. Rey for a meeting. 💔 (Instead kept his scheduled meet w/ Argentine ambassador.)…
RT @F_Kaltheuner: If you need any more evidence that the data trade is out of control, read this excellent new research by our friends at T…
RT @autiomaa: “The data collected, shared, traded and sold on Match Group's users travels far and wide and could potentially be instrumenta…
RT @ninalakhani: Honduras: lawyers representing Sergio Rodriguez in the #BertaCáceres murder trial were incandescent yesterday after judges…