Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @Info_Activism: The hardest job in Silicon Valley is a living nightmare - In the documentary “The Cleaners,” we meet the people who do t…
RT @JuliusJaas: This made me think about how increased productivity isn't the primary reason for the division of labour... It's primarily a…
RT @RefugeesMedia: UNHCR statement on new US regulation on asylum
RT @existentialcoms: I like that question "what would Jesus do?", because the answer is pretty much always "give all your wealth to the poo…
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: 7% of cities are home to 40% of forest cover and other vegetation, where also live 13% of country's poorest. Combin…
RT @Info_Activism: Privacy and Security of Data at Universities
RT @hrw: Children Needn’t Die of Measles in Thailand
RT @mtaval: 'Trump orders new curbs on #asylumseekers but legal challenge likely' #refugeelaw #ruleoflaw
RT @PasiKallio5: Samaan aikaan Suomessa: valtion ympäristöviranomaisen toimivaltaa ja valitusoikeutta rajoitetaan, laillisuusvalvontaa heik…
RT @sabrinavalle: This is the 1st public pic of a new phase between the generals and Petrobras. The Army has always had strong influence ov…
Brazil: After 20 years of production, a judge orders to evict families from the Quilombo Campo Grande. By decision,…
RT @emiliakukkala: "Mykosfäärin rytmit ovatkin sivilisaation näkökulmasta outoja, epätasaisia ja arvaamattomia. -- Mykologinen praktiikka t…
RT @bekabaj: Thankful to @NinoMacha for inviting me to #DataFestTbilisi2018. Fantastic sessions by @trbrtc of @bellingcat and @vbashyakarla…
RT @TapioLaakso: Tärkeä päätös! Norja ei enää myönnä uusia vientilupia aseille tai kaksoiskäyttötuotteille Saudi-Arabiaan. Kehotetaan myös…
RT @vikingstid: tää on ainoa kaanonin mukainen Saska nyt tästä eteenpäin HUOM
RT @niksibotti: Pane sukkahousut pakastimeen ja anna sen jäätyä siellä. Sen jälkeen ota se pois pakastimesta ja leikkaa purkin yläosa pois.…
RT @bruceecurb: Acabou a mamata. Isso aí é cultura
RT @GreenKeithMEP: Unpleasant scenes captured at Tinker Lane fracking site today as Police appear to use hugely unecesary force and toss an…
RT @LydsG: #Hungary govt’s newest enemy: homeless. Frontpage in govt friendly paper reads: “They hide in parks and smaller underpasses. How…
RT @amandafaudi: A cultura representa quase R$ 2 bi, ou 0,68% da renúncia fiscal do Brasil; isso é menos da metade das pensões pagas às fil…
RT @aninen: Poliisin tiedotteiden otsikot kuulostavat toisinaan suomalaisten kaunokirjallisten teosten nimiltä, tai lomailijoiden ohjelmanu…
RT @jonathanwatts: 'Our god is stronger' - Brazilian evangelical church cited as main threat to environment of biodiverse Bijagós archipela…
RT @snolen: Will Mexico's cannabis legalization spark a rush for green gold? How to build a weed business in country where narcos control v…
RT @MMMesoamericano: 'The last call': Searching for missing relatives on migrant route @AJENews
RT @alexanderchee: If you can survive one of the biggest mass shootings in American history and then die in another one the next year, the…
RT @LauLauLauLau: Yliopiston jos minkä tulisi ottaa tutkimustieto huomioon päätöksenteossa.
RT @TheDamageReport: WATCH: "They're going to protect the 2nd amendment, but are going after the 14th amendment on birthright citizenship.…
RT @GeorgeTakei: Picking fights with doctors now? Seriously?