Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @MariPantsar: Ilmastotoimet eivät ole rakettitiedettä. UK:n ilmastoneuvonantajat ehdottavat: 20-50% vähemmän lampaita ja nautoja, vapaut…
RT @The_Law_Boy: Rich media types want to call out leftists as being inauthentic but have no idea how normal people live, so they end up sa…
RT @FaiMujer: Excellent read: "Like white fragility, settler fragility is the inability to talk about unearned privilege—in this case, the…
RT @DavidLWindt: The Global #ExtinctionRebellion Begins "A “rebellion” might sound extreme, but given the times, it is not." —@DahrJamail…
RT @dr_borgenstein: Tämä vaatii kaiken mahdollisen näkyvyyden.
RT @AkiHyodynmaa: @jutamans @jmkorhonen Kirjailija Yrjö Kokolla oli merkittävä vaikutus lintukannan pelastumiseen. Ennen suojelutoimia pesi…
RT @HenrikJaakkola: “This is the kind of urban conflagration Americans thought they had banished in the early 20th century,” wrote fire his…
RT @ojala_annika: “Do I have to die in order to matter? Do I have to become a celebrity? I’m stuck between feeling like I need to be beauti…
RT @folha: Inocentado, homem torturado na prisão processa Malta por associá-lo a pedofilia
RT @COPINHHONDURAS: 32 Diputados del Parlamento Europeo muestran preocupación ante el juicio por el asesinato #BertaCáceres. con una carta…
RT @AksuLehikoinen: Almost whole #Finland still snowless in mid-November. Only year 2011 has had less #snow than now since 1960s. #ClimateC…
RT @jmkorhonen: Meillä ei kyllä ole mitään huoltosuhdeongelmia, jos ilmastonmuutosta ei saada kuriin. Koska sitten Suomen alueelle saateta…
RT @Info_Activism: Facebook told us it wasn't a typical big, bad company. It is
RT @KatmaiNPS: Tired: a mostly solitary life, only encountering other bears to fight and mate Wired: accepting other bears at close proxim…
RT @bruceecurb: 'Dani Bumbum' - another beautician involved in a butt implant death - released from jail. See also 'Paty Bumbum' and 'Dr Bu…
RT @TarjaPNiemela: ”Yliopiston tulos ei ole ensisijaisesti talouskasvu, vaan kriittiset ja sivistyneet kansalaiset ja sitä kautta kriittine…
RT @Info_Activism: Notifications every 2 minutes: This in-depth look at how people really use WhatsApp shows why fighting fake news there i…
RT @carapanarana: Finalmente o gayzismo terá o devido poder.
RT @_DanielaGuzman_: Chile's government is supporting Easter Island's delegation in their quest to bring back a treasured monument from a L…
RT @ambrowoll: @kotkavirta Sivuhuomio: erään tutkijan mukaan EU on estänyt tänä vuonna 7000 kv suojeluun oikeutetun ihmisen pääsyn Libyasta…
RT @KiviUlla: Grillausmainokset pyörimään! Lämmintä on kuin juhannusaattona +11. Ai niin.Illalla on kaupungin joulunavaus 😳 #ilmastonmuutos…
RT @bruceecurb: Interesting piece on the challenges and opportunities presented by closer U.S-Brazil ties with Trump and Bolsonaro in offic…
RT @BRRN_Fed: Schools are shuttered, flights are delayed, and many have to wear masks just to go outside. Climate change is making the n…
RT @Info_Activism: How to Tell if Your Account Has Been Hacked - How to check if your Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other accoun…
RT @Info_Activism: Surveillance Kills Freedom By Killing Experimentation
RT @FacesPics: This stack of towels and rolls looks like Cookie Monster
RT @CodingRights: Hello! #SaferSisters are back! Now, trying to hack and fight the hatred on the #Internet. 🙅🏻‍♀️ Enjoy this new gif and he…