Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @Greenpeace: BREAKING: We've boarded a ship filled with dirty palm oil. The palm oil belongs to Wilmar, who're the biggest palm oil tra…
RT @viisaampi: Hot take: ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemisessä olennaisinta ei ole miltä meistä pitäisi mikäkin tuntua, vaan mitä konkreettisia…
RT @bintbattuta: "Himmler’s reading of antiquity was extreme, but it was also the natural extension of the discipline’s origins." https://t…
RT @hyvansaanaikana: Toimet, joilla ilmastonmuutosta hillitään, eivät ole vain toimia, joilla ilmastonmuutosta hillitään. Ne ovat myös vali…
RT @Public_Citizen: Amazon claimed it was receiving $2.1 billion in local government subsidies for its new headquarters. A new analysis fin…
RT @thatginamiller: BREAKING NEWS - Brexit bankroller Arron Banks, Cambridge Analytica and Steve Bannon – explosive emails reveal fresh lin…
RT @ddale8: This is cool to me! I wrote in the Post about why I fact-check everything Trump says, what it’s like to do this ridiculous thin…
RT @PenJussi: UK austerity has inflicted 'great misery' on citizens, UN says
RT @extinctsymbol: “Biodiversity is sometimes subjugated below climate change. But losing biodiversity is as, or more dangerous than the th…
RT @mustapipa: We should all block roads until our governments start acting on climate breakdown.
RT @FrankPasquale: “The odds of Facebook changing much, short of substantive legislation, is less than zero”
RT @Rainmaker1973: This is the amount of acorns that woodpeckers can store into a telecom antenna: nearly 150 kg ht…
RT @audio_pervert: She challenged aesthetics. She wanted to engage with public via music. She used everyday objects…
RT @Katukissa161: Tänne kaikki! Sä voit olla just se tyyppi, joka kertoo tästä ihmiselle kuka ei vielä tiennyt tästä ja haluaa vastustaa na…
RT @jnascim: Sobre a associação do conceito de globalismo aos judeus, que não se ligariam a nenhuma nação e sim a uma ideia conspiratória d…
RT @justinjm1: MBS's brother told Khashoggi to go to the Saudi consulate, where a team of agents then killed and dismembered him https://t.…
RT @JuliusJaas: "Sarah Bond, a classicist who regularly writes a column on the ancient world for Forbes, published a number of articles exp…
RT @raju: ‘Tell Everyone We Scalped You!’ How Caste Still Rules in India via @NYTimes
RT @FaiMujer: From Rojava to the Mapuche Struggle: In Latin America, one of the places where #Rojava thought has taken root is Wallmapu, th…
Navarro's question is insulting to wolves who are social creatures
RT @_pinheira: Os bolsonaristas estão “chocados” com a minha linguagem por ter escrito que Bolsonaro estava “cagando” para os direitos trab…
RT @CBCUnreserved: Poet Vincent Moniz wanted to see if Indigenous representation in comic books was changing. He and a friend created a dat…
RT @Billbrowder: CIA now says Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. It’s now necessary for the US…
RT @cameraZoe: Blackfriars Bridge peacefully occupied - lots of children here and colourful banners to get action on #climatechange @Extinc…
RT @marimessias: Não precisa simular que não é questionável a forma de pagamento dos médicos cubanos pra saber que um cara que votou toda v…
RT @fransmayra: Pelimoottoreilla digitaalista simulaatiota journalismiin -
RT @VarisVerkosto: Pohjoismaisen Vastarintaliikkeen entinen Turun aktiivi tuomittiin 8 vuodeksi vankeuteen terrorismirikoksista https://t…
This is what your supermarket would look like after the 6th mass extinction event
RT @RobGMacfarlane: Word of the day: “DERP” - in urban exploration, slang/acronym for ‘Derelict & Ruined Places’; disused sites in the buil…