Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @franciscopiyako: Bolsonaro monta time de empresários milionários para atacar os trabalhadores
RT @blogdosakamoto: Incapaz de dizer quem matou e quem mandou matar Marielle Franco há oito meses, o Estado do Rio de Janeiro agora resolve…
RT @TuomoRailo: Taas ollaan haravan lavassa, tällä kertaa Trumpin mainostaessa sitä kuinka Suomessa metsät säännöllisesti haravoidaan, jott…
RT @cenkuygur: Trump just said about the wildfires in CA, “Nobody would’ve ever thought this could have happened.” Yes, except every scient…
RT @C0INCELPR0: the coolest thing is that like 10-15 years ago children’s programs used to advertise how they were endorsed by child psycho…
RT @tutamAW: The news about the private firefighters saving the homes of the rich is like this New Yorker humor piece about the Libertarian…
RT @tvandeputte: Today, anti-racist protestors peacefully calling for the abolition of ‘Black Pete’ – the blackface servant of the Dutch Sa…
RT @adowniebrazil: A Brazilian judge has prohibited Globo TV from reporting on the investigation into the murder of Rio city councilwoman…
RT @classiclib3ral: Lots of qanon people believe there was no forest fire in California and all the fires came from pedophiles lighting the…
RT @TuomasJMattila: "Ilmastonmuutoksen hillinnässä, jossa alkaa olla kiire sekä vähentää päästöjä radikaalisti että poistaa kasvihuonekaasu…
RT @anttiholma: The President of Finland ready to take another generation of Finns to rake and clean the forest floors to prevent forest fi…
@mikeymstewy @atrupar This is exactly what we do in Finland to prevent fires. It's true.
RT @atrupar: REPORTER: What can be done to prevent wildfires? TRUMP: "We have to take care of floors of the our countries they…
RT @AdelReyhani: What does "peaceful" mean in this context?
RT @bengtostling: "Betydligt färre #skogsbränder i Finland, för där sköter man skogarna" har president @Niinisto sagt, enligt Trump på Kali…
RT @socioambiental: A ativista e YouTuber Ana Paula Xongani veste a camisa pelos quilombolas do Ribeira (SP)! #NovembroQuilombola também é…
RT @harrisimolin: European fascism on 21st century: Kweku Adoboli had served his time. Deporting him was unspeakably cruel | Luke Butterl…
RT @MrLARIATO: Fancy armdrag from Erick el Vampiro
RT @raju: Trump visiting #CampFire contrasts California fires to how Finland manages its forests. Finland!
RT @Juho_p: Partaanne trimmaavat miehet, oletteko miettineet miten seksuaalisesti provosoivaa harrastamanne toiminta on? Ehkä olisitte näti…
RT @derechosdigital: Trolling, fake news y violencia online: el debate sobre cómo depurar y sanar la conversación pública. Un texto de @bea…
RT @FlyingTrilobite: There are no words for how incredible a discovery this is by Yana Eglit.
RT @existentialcoms: If you can't trust faceless corporations who exist solely to enrich the shareholders to do what's best for society, th…
RT @TricksyRaccoon: The way we collectively talk about the climate crisis matters. It helps reshape our world. This is what I mean when I s…
RT @harrisimolin: Drone footage shows dozens of belugas and orcas trapped in a 'whale jail' off Russia's coast, and environmentalists belie…
RT @Dimmu141: Kuinka ne kehtaavat ja kyllähän ne kehtaa! Perussuomalaiset äänistävät tämän lain puolesta ja nyt he kritisoivat siitä. http…
RT @Juho_p: Norjassa aiotaan osoittaa mieltä aborttioikeuden puolesta. On kuvottavaa, että poliittiset puolueet ovat valmiita heittämään ih…
RT @PaulEDawson: There is space for action between “everything is fine” and “we’re doomed.” That space is shrinking fast, but the gap is…