Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @Info_Activism: This US Firm Wants to Help Build China’s Surveillance State
RT @markusnieminen: @TheContemptor We even have own Rake building in Helsinki #RakeNews #visitfinland
RT @pyryluminen: Just an ordinary day in the Finnish forest ~ Ihan normipäivä suomalaisessa metsässä #Trump #forest #firesafety #raking #fo…
As a Finnish person I have to admit this is ok
@Tanelihamalaine @sekoomus Luultavast moovi synkempaan kuusikkoon. (Taustalla soi neofolk-avainviulun vinkuna)
RT @1981annozero: People, please take notice that hell is breaking loose in Haiti now, with militarized police force firing at will at prot…
RT @panuraatikainen: – What's the favorite band of @realDonaldTrump? – ? – Rake Against the Machine...
RT @Hikipediainfo: lo and behold: @KariPeitsamo & @JoukoPiho
RT @TheInterceptBr: Os “excelentes canais de informação” defendidos por @jairbolsonaro são conhecidos disseminadores de mentiras e teorias…
RT @linjaaho: ”Hänen mukaansa infraäänet ovat vaarallisia myös ihmisille. Väite perustui vääristellylle todistusaineistolle, eikä tuulivoi…
RT @kimmoneihum: Miten voi olla että kielletty natsijärjestö marssii edelleen ja poliisi ei tunne lakia?
RT @ARautiainen: Andrej Grubacic, @balkanozapatist interview in "Europe of many voices"-series of Finnish state radio broadcasting company:…
RT @_SimonBlack: Kanye and Kim hiring private fire fighters to protect their mansion. The State of California paying prisoners $1 an hour…
RT @roedvin: Olen koko päivän torjunut Kalifornian metsäpaloja mökin pihassa. Hiki tulee.
RT @MiskaDellinger: Vaarallisin trendi tuntuu olevan yhden huumeen myyminen toisena. Jutun kirjoittaja on vähän epäselvä terminologian kans…
RT @XCsci: "AC/DC articulated the null hypothesis that rock and roll ain't noise pollution"
RT @BrazilianReport: Report shows that over half of the country's healthcare professionals work in one of the 27 state capitals and that, w…
RT @jonathanwatts: Humans are threatened by the collapse of nature but this week’s UN biodiversity talks are neglected compared to climate.…
RT @TinoLintunen: Selvittelin Vastarintaliikkeen lakkauttamisen tilannetta. Poliisihallituksen perusteet sallia näkyvän toiminnan jatkamine…
RT @tapiomaatta: Prof. @IsmoPolonen analyysiä, miten tavallinen kuntalainen voi vaikuttaa suunnitteilla olevien #kaivos’hankkeiden toteutum…
RT @joaofellet: 642 mil dos 758 mil indígenas que vivem em aldeias no Brasil serão afetados por saída de médicos cubanos - e num momento em…
So Bolsonaro gives guns to Guajajaras to protect themselves from the criminal loggers because "a dead criminal is a…
RT @fchollet: Whether we like or not, the behavior of big companies reflects the personal values of their leadership. Don't go work for a c…
RT @MPF_PGR: Indígenas que sofreram impacto com atividades da Mineração Onça Puma serão indenizados pela Vale. Justiça também determinou su…
RT @conexaoplaneta: Manual para a proteção de indígenas e outros povos tradicionais: leitura essencial para todos os brasileiros https://t.…
@thebossftw @akihheikkinen @BSimmondss We hate when that happens
RT @kepler_johann: A revolução francesa ocorreu entre 1789 e1799. Karl Marx nasceu em 5 de maio de 1818 e morreu em Londres em 14 de março…