Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @gemmagaldon: Investigan a aerolíneas que usan #algoritmos para separar a los que viajan juntos. Es decir, no es que no te garanticen ir…
RT @Petri2020: ”Komeat viikset kasvattanut, Trumpia fanittava miljonääri osallistui kaupalliseen PR-tempaukseen saadakseen jännää julkisuut…
RT @RealMediaGB: "The other types of action you can take, writing letters, going on marches - they're all great but they don't achieve much…
RT @yleuutiset: Suomalaisten auttamishalu ollut "ennätyksiä rikkovaa" – Unicefin Jemenin lasten Black Friday -keräykseen lahjoitettiin Face…
RT @BrazilianReport: Saraiva, Brazil's biggest book retailer, is close to bankruptcy. With debts of BRL 674m, it follows the pathway of Cul…
@sappikivi Mustista legoista S&M dungeon jalkapohjakiusauksen ystaville.
RT @deolhonoagro: #DeOlhoNoMatoGrossoDoSul também divulga as terras e fortunas de políticos locais. Com 860 hectares de terras no município…
RT @virveft: @Maahanmuuttovir Suomalaisen lapsen näkemys, maahanmuuttoviraston toiminnasta :/ 12 vuotias tyttö piirti, mille hänestä tuntuu…
RT @fann_VEVO: O Ezra Milller tentou copiar o corte do Rogerinho do Ingá e fez todo errado. Fica aí a denúncia
RT @rahmstorf: Today the 4th US National Climate Assessment comes out. We already know what its #sealevel projections are. The 'intermediat…
RT @idiotn00b: Sä olet rasistinen koirapilli Lastenhuoneen komerossa Vedit käyntiin robotin Se lähti kävelemään Sä tänne aina jäät
RT @mikepohjola: Israel wants to use the Eurovision Song Contest to whitewash apartheid. Let’s call on our public broadcasters to boycott t…
@1981annozero @shotacommunist @BRRN_Fed @libcomorg @ComradePitbull @subcom_carlos @anarcholang @IAF__FAI @_b_e_n_c_…
@1981annozero @shotacommunist @BRRN_Fed @libcomorg @ComradePitbull @subcom_carlos @anarcholang @IAF__FAI @_b_e_n_c_…
RT @TuominenLinnea: Sv Fasismi . . . Fasistisia liikkeitä voi vastustaa, kuten historia osoittaa, mutta se vaatii kansalaisilta rohkeutta j…
The Influencing Machine 1 Dec 2018 - 20 Jan 2019 in Berlin!
RT @moltke: I just donated to @netzpolitik - please join me in supporting their excellent work. 2018 budget is €18.000 short - let’s fix th…
RT @1981annozero: Ideologue Olavo de Carvalho's been making indications for ministries in Bolsonaro's gov.
RT @TodorGardos: Conditions on Lesbos violate EU and Greek laws that require #Greece to provide an adequate standard of living for asylum s…
RT @1981annozero: "Vc sabe quem é Olavo de Carvalho? Não? Então se liga em algumas frases deste senhor formado em porra nenhuma que fez Bol…
RT @Survival: Tourists and missionaries like John Allen Chau aren’t the only threats to #uncontactedtribes like the #Sentinelese. A vast ar…
RT @niinaratilainen: Keskeiset pointit siitä, mitä luomuviljelylle on tapahtumassa. En olisi uskonut näkeväni sitä päivää, että #luomu vilj…
RT @ggreenwald: The world is still reeling from the profound shock of learning this week that the US Government is willing to approve of sa…
RT @severeweatherEU: *World* Flooding in Haiti last week, full of plastic garbage. Video: Beach cleaner Fb
RT @ExtinctionR: #ExtinctionRebellion are #rebelling against the ecocidal government so we can: - Have a livable climate 🌍 - Breathe clean…
RT @Dimmu141: Luulin , että tämä oli Jordan Petersonin sitaati.
RT @Ali_Gharib: Real professional solidarity here by the New York Times, letting a couple neocons issue a bullshit defense of hacking a jou…
RT @ninalakhani: Update #BertaCáceres trial: today we'll hear the statement given by eyewitness and survivor @GusCastroS, shortly after Ber…
RT @korpijaakko: My good friend and fellow human Huck is hanging (literally) in front of a shopping center in #Joensuu and saying this #Bla…
RT @Spektaakkeliyh1: "Kirjan punainen lanka on 3 tiedemiestä, jotka 50-luvulta lähtien ovat osallistuneet jokaisessa suuressa denialismikam…