Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @TheInterceptBr: No Congresso, os ruralistas atuam não apenas em pautas que atingem diretamente o agronegócio. Seus parlamentares têm pe…
RT @TranslateRealDT: Ideally speaking, the President of the United States and the stupidest person in the country would be two different pe…
RT @TJQeS: Apparently, Finnish media has started to use "kansallismielinen" ("national-minded") adjective to define the 612-fascist march.…
RT @adowniebrazil: Venezuela is such a mess it's like living in an era without telephones.
RT @GreenRupertRead: So it turns out that not only is ‘Black Friday’ a repellent frenzy of eco-disastrous consumer-capitalism - It’s also q…
RT @UOLNoticias: Justiça Eleitoral recomenda desaprovação de contas de Janaina Paschoal
RT @cptnacional: #NãoAoTrabalhoEscravo | Justiça condena acusado de submeter indígenas Zo’é a trabalho escravo no Pará…
RT @Psi_Politico: "Muito, mas muito mais grave que a corrupção é a questão ideológica"! A mensagem de Bolsonaro ao seu partido pode ser int…
RT @ajplus: "Colonizers love it when you look afraid." This YouTuber called out vloggers who appropriate Native culture with a little tuto…
RT @Hikipediainfo: Protip: jos teet ravintolabisnestä Berliinissä, niin ei ehkä ole paras idea esiintyä lehdissä firman logovaatteissa SS-k…
OK menköön Mäkelä-filtterin läpi koska riittävä hauskuuskynnys ylitetty
RT @tomistro: Kannattaa toimia yhdessä. Sillä on todellista vaikutusta.
RT @daveanthony: Scientist Runs Over Man With Truck.
RT @roedvin: Ennen puhuttiin freudilaisista lipsahduksista. Nykyään on "vitun autocorrect."
RT @lomikriel: A record +14K immigrant children spent Thanksiving in federal shelters, incl. +5.6K in TX. Not because more are coming, but…
RT @EstevaoSlowP: Em torno de uma semana, o nome do Bolso foi gerado de forma induzida por robôs mais de 276 mil vezes, representado 68% da…
RT @AMAZlNGNATURE: Player 3 has entered the game. Player 3 has left the game. 😂
RT @Rodinerio: Ruralistas comemoram regra que dificulta comprovar a escravidão
RT @jonathanwatts: Record slow Arctic freeze threatens pregnant polar bears - and also bodes badly for us humans. B…
RT @oikeuttaelaimil: Uudet kuvat suomalaisilta turkistarhoilta ovat levinneet taas maailmalle. #kannibaaliminkit #turkistarhaus #tarhausk…
Kiehun raivosta kaiken tan idioottimaisen ja pahantahtoisen kasitteiden sekoittamisen aarella.
RT @ojala_annika: A review of 56 studies on #transgender well-being: 93% show that gender transition improves the overall well-being of tra…
I wonder if Finnish education companies will try to exploit the Brazilian situation?
" addition to satisfying the conservative wave sweeping across the country, the Escola sem Partido will also b…
RT @Survival: Astonishingly, some academics @ASUBeingHuman are still saying outsiders should enter #uncontactedtribes’ forests, for their o…
RT @elgranjuego: First ever filmed images of the Sentinelese of the Andaman Islands, shot by Indian anthropologists in 1974.…