Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @okohonen: Lebowski theorem for climate mitigation: No superintelligent tech is going to bother with a task that is harder than extracti…
RT @raju: “We do not allow journalists" to visit. On Prajwala, a celebrated India charity that has received US and UN funding: "Prison wou…
RT @lorenzodago: If two search and rescue NGOs had not been in the area, nobody now would be looking for 120 people whose lives are at risk…
RT @raju: How soon before @realDonaldTrump dismisses this as report as a "feeling" not fact, like he did with CIA on Saudis and like he doe…
RT @cityatlas: @dmichie66 You can see this more or less in real time here:
RT @dmichie66: Wow. Great data. Denmark (DK) is actually pretty average for Europe and Germany (DE) is in the bottom third. Moral of the…
RT @johnlimouze: @tastefactory @Nicole_Cliffe
RT @TheInterceptBr: Já mostramos no @TheInterceptBr que o caso de Rafael Braga é um retrato do sistema carcerário brasileiro…
RT @trgrrl: Twitter has updated their TOS. Targeted deadnaming and misgendering is now a reportable thing.
RT @TheOnion: How To Make The Most Of Black Friday Shopping
RT @deolhonoagro: A média de 1 hectare por indígena não traduz toda a realidade do povo Guarani Kaiowá, confinado em reservas que não ofere…
RT @WorldAndScience: Alien life could exist in buried oceans throughout the galaxy
RT @balthusknot: Kuinka yllättävää: poliisi valehteli siitä miten pahoinpiteli kiinniotetun hengiltä.
RT @Blaskey_S: HEADS UP: Private arms deals regulated by the State Department tie the U.S. to political violence in #Honduras that some in…
RT @FluffSociety: "Too bad elephants have no hops"
RT @OliverStuenkel: BRAZIL: International observers and investors are rejoicing at the Mourão interview in Folha. "The first time I read fo…
RT @FoEAfrica: ''Oil spills in the Niger Delta pollute water bodies. Forest mangroves and #biodiversity through oil spills and forest fires…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Remarkable capture of a a nuclear reactor refueling process performed with a high radiation tolerant camera. The blue gl…
RT @GeorgeMonbiot: Is there a prize for the year's best photo + caption? If so, I've found the winner.
RT @rubyhamad: My latest column in The New Arab: From the Ramsey Centre for Western Civilisation to Quillette Magazine: this is how white s…
RT @naururastas: Hienoa kun moni ihminen on päättänyt luopua shoppailusta ja lentomatkailusta. Muistuttaisin samalla, että köyhä väki on el…
RT @KommunikaCat: Der bekannte spanische Humorist Dani Mateo muss wg mutmaßl Hassdelikt u. Schändg von Nationalsymbolen vorm Richter aussag…
RT @SamyAdghirni: President-elect Jair Bolsonaro is pursuing the sale of Brazil’s deep-sea treasure-trove of oil, but faces obstacles https…
RT @BRRNSeattle: Colonists are a trip. Take land, engage in genocide, slavery, economic exploitation and then y’all are like, “OMG the brow…
RT @BRRN_Fed: A good response on Angela Nagle’s recent article on why leftists should support migration restriction. “It’s is politically i…
RT @serdarguenes: Looking for a handy guide to the Russian Revolution from an anarchist perspective? Released on the 100 year anniversary t…