Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @andraydomise: There aren't enough Brigitte Nielsens letting out enough bemused chuckles on the entire internet for this take https://t.…
Energia eólica - tuulienergia. Kaunis sana portugaliksi.
RT @mustapipa: A new super-Earth may orbit the star next door.
RT @rubensvalente: Decreto de 2008 autoriza queima de maquinário apreendido em crimes ambientais. Mas Bolsonaro mandou parar ação de fiscai…
@EerolaSami @Dimmu141 Eiks toi Hankamäkikin oo joku ihan lukenu tyyppi? Uskomattoman paskaa ajattelua siihen nähden.
RT @joaofellet: Mais uma vez o governo Bolsonaro exalta um parceria com Israel para dessalinizar as águas no Nordeste. Muito legal, exceto…
@LSPgalore @sekoomus @suviauvi @lauriojain pistä yv
@isam_maa @sekoomus @suviauvi @lauriojain @LSPgalore Semmost se on, ääritörkeää meininkiä!
@sekoomus @suviauvi @lauriojain @LSPgalore Olin itekin just äänestämässä SKE:tä, mutta sitten huomasin, että Soros-…
RT @DLBiller: Black holes are so mysterious that, when translated into Hawaiian then back into English, they become ``adorned fathomless da…
Bolsonaro pursuits for a chaotic destruction of Amazon that is not in anyone's control. Once the worms are out of t…
RT @frankbaniwa: Se não fosse isso, com certeza não haveria mais indígenas nessa região...e toda a região estaria desmatada...…
This is just another government's attempt to paralyze Ibama. Bolsonaro seems to further enforce a grey area for ill…
Brazil: In a video Bolsonaro aligns with illegal loggers in Amazon by forbidding the government's own nature conser…
RT @domphillips: Petrobras put diesel price up. Fearing new truckers' strike, Bolsonaro told CEO to cancel raise. Shares fell 8%. Leading b…
@MerjaNiilola Täten ilmoitan suorituksesi vertaisarvoiduksi ja hyväksyttäväksi havaituksi.
RT @Survival: We've been posting a lot about Messok Dja, and it's pretty important right now. If you're not sure what all the fuss is about…
@EerolaSami Siksi ääni #Antifalle
RT @lyyravirtanen: Vr on ihan vitun iso fiasko: junassa kuulutettiin, että mulla on oikeus hakea korvauksia junan myöhästymisestä. No, yrit…
RT @SyksyRasanen: Mielenkiintoinen juttu @hsfi poliittisista linjauksista sen suhteen, millaisia mainoksia lehti hyväksyy. On valitettavaa…
RT @epatutkimus: pistokkaiden ottaminen eli kasvien varmuuskopiointi
RT @FaiMujer: The #SudanUprising Is Being Led By Women: Since December 19, Sudan has been ignited by over 300 popular protests taking place…
RT @EFF: End-to-end encryption is the best way to protect your messages. @jack, it's time for @Twitter to #FixItAlready…
@BlackStarPori @Haavisto :DDDDDDDD melkonen harhalaukaus
RT @LCaetanoAntunes: 1/n This thread will be long, but if you´d like to know a bit about what it´s like being a scientist in Brazil (my per…
RT @proindio: Abril Indígena. Confira a programação do Sesc
RT @cmi_saopaulo: Comunicado dos advogados do Ola Bini #FreeOlaBini
RT @naururastas: Uskokaa nyt viimein: karvajalkafeminismi on edelleen tarpeellista ja ajankohtaista.