Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @Dimmu141: Lempäälän valtuutettu joka on tunnettu niskalaukaus uhkauksista kokoomusnuorille ja ehdotuksesta kastroida maahanmuuttajia on…
RT @CuriousZelda: Eat the spider
Swat the fly
Kill the pot plant
Don't know why
RT @karhumestari: Siitä vähän vakavastiotettavaa journalismia.
RT @poppymcp: "We acknowledge Rohingya. We totally denounce the fact they are referred to as Bengali." Strong words from @maung_saungkha, o…
RT @rubyhamad: Definitely not me.
RT @AASchapiro: Blockbuster from WSJ
-CIA has 11 messages sent by MBS within hours of Khashoggi murder to the man who oversaw it
-MBS spok…
RT @SpecRepUkraine: Interesting analysis by Bellingcat with this key conclusion: “the shooting of the ‘Berdyansk’ most likely took place in…
RT @MasaSaarnela: Kun on tarpeeksi öljyä, voi vaikka paloitella ihmisiä. Päälle sitten nauretaan.
Kun on tarpeeksi röyhkeä, voi kaasuttaa…
RT @therourke: I, for one, welcome our owl overlords
RT @monaeltahawy: #Egyptian actress Rania Youssef will stand trial in January for “inciting immorality” because of this dress. I can think…
RT @Jussi_Andelin: Kun sä lentelet ihan muina pöllöinä ja sitten näet tuttuja...
RT @GDimenstein: Para presidir um instituto de filosofia nos Estados Unidos, Olavo de Carvalho se apresentou como ex-professor da PUC do Pa…
RT @Dimmu141: Ihan hyvin tehty juttu PVLn lakkautumisesta.
RT @Katjakh: Kenia on maailman pienimpiä saastuttajia, jos katsotaan päästöjä per henkilö. Turkanalaiset taas aiheuttavat Kenian päästöistä…
RT @isoaho_jussi: This was the warmest November in northern Finland (Kilpisjärvi). -0,3C which is 7 degrees warmer than average (1970-2018)…
RT @muhammadpuncha: Bolsolini sobre Israel: "Os judeus viveram lá a milhares de anos, a terra deve ser devolvida a eles."
Bolsolini sobre…
RT @ModerateRadio: One quote from George H. W. Bush shows the imperial hubris he embodied.
On July 3, 1988, the US shot down an Iranian ci…
RT @Info_Activism: Shocking Maps Show How Humans Have Reshaped Earth Since 1992 - Generated from satellite data, the maps track losses and…
RT @ninalakhani: Conviction of seven killers brings some justice, but crucial questions remain about who killed #BertaCáceres…
RT @BrazilianReport: Journalists listen to the leaders’ announcement about the final document of the #G20Summit. The press has no access to…
RT @AnskuHolstila: .@SiniHarkki_GP : "Aktivistit ovat protestoineet aiheuttamatta vaaraa kenellekään ja tuoneet esille keskellä Eurooppaa e…
RT @biret: CNN: 7.0 Alaska quake damages roads, brings scenes of chaos
RT @extinctsymbol: British trophy hunters brought home two tonnes of elephant tusks from Africa over the past decade, new figures show: htt…
RT @ilkkajii: The most interesting read on #typography this year! 🤯
RT @mysande: Miksi Röllin konfirmaatio epäonnistui?
Sieltä puuttui tilipitappirippipappi.
RT @arunindy: Don't mourn George Bush. Mourn 100s of thousands massacred in Iraq, thousands slaughtered in Panama, millions dead in Souther…
RT @AilaPaloniemi: Lääkitty hiv ei tartu. Lääkityksen avulla hivin kanssa voi elää oireetonta elämää tavalliseen tapaan. Suomi on hivhoidon…
RT @krassenstein: BREAKING: It was just voted on by a DC Neighborhood group to rename the road in front of the Saudi Arabian embassy after…
RT @biret: ”Kuningaskunnan kohtelu alleviivaa entisestään sitä, kuinka maailmanpolitiikassa ihmisoikeusloukkauksista nuhtelu, eristäminen t…
RT @arunindy: Police in America originated as slave patrols. That's why police reform will never work. The institutional racism in policing…