Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @BKCHarvard: Reading: Exploring data, artificial intelligence, economic fairness, and the Global South, with @yaso and @lorraynebp, via…
RT @natalieisonline: When I was 15 I emailed Chomsky with some asinine questions about life, philosophy, and whether writing could make a p…
RT @robsMast: Weird how grotesque social inequality, intense environmental depletion, millions of political and climate refugees, and a bli…
@hopeantikainen Timo Koivusalo ohjaamaan elokuva Visa Mäkisestä
Vois alkaa tuottaan Spede-uusintafilmatisointeja. Ohjaajaksi Tuukka Temonen.
RT @futuryst: Putting facts and feelings together to make inroads on #ClimateChange - wonderful talk by @Shahzeen at @longnow 👏 https://t.c…
RT @ClimateHuman: We are in a giant car that holds all 7.7 billion of us. The car is speeding toward a cliff. It has 7.7 billion brake peda…
RT @Dinosn: DuckDuckGo study claims Google Incognito searches are not private
RT @SasjaBeslik: To blame China, India etc. for all our #climate troubles seems a bit inappropriate, to say the least.…
RT @simongerman600: Finally Finland gets the “ways to divide a country” treatment. Source:
RT @TimoTuhkanen: Hiilinielu on uusi esineellistävä tapa nähdä metsä hyödykkeenä. Se ei kysy miksi metsää pitää kasvattaa tai hoitaa? Onko…
RT @antifantti: These people should be on trial for crimes against humankind.
RT @pattymasc: assistindo esse vídeo em looping 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
RT @rjoutsen: 'Dark day': migrant rescue ship Aquarius ends operations
RT @BRRN_Fed: Guess all the Silicon Valley hype isn’t all that they make it out to be. Who would have guessed? “After nine years, Uber is…
RT @AnttiLindtman: PS puuhaa välikysymystä maahanmuutosta. Jokainen perussuomalainen kansanedustaja on omin käsin henkilökohtaisesti hyväks…
RT @theintercept: “Barr’s beliefs are incredibly dangerous. ... Barr should use his return to the limelight to apologize for his role in pr…
RT @TiinaRipatti: Rajua on. Laitilassa lukiolainen tyttö oli pitänyt puheen sankarihaudalla. Nyt somessa aikuiset miehet ja naiset hau…
RT @socioambiental: Acabou a discussão. Os impactos das #MudançasClimáticas não "estão por vir". Eles já estão aqui e afetam a vida de bras…
RT @OttoBruun: Uutisvoitto! Nykyään joudumme ympäristöjärjestöissä toimimaan myös tutkimuslaitosten vahtikoirana. @luonnonsuojelu korjaa ka…
RT @bruceecurb: #MeToo hits Brazil's most famous living spiritual medium - John of God. Ten women accuse him of sexual abuse. He denies it.…
RT @luciaftweets: #MarchePourLeClimat : Thousands in the streets of #Paris demanding #ClimateJustice. #YellowVest pacifically joined the de…
RT @Tero_Hoo: Nyt se on sitten kiusaamista, ettei osallistu johonkin televisio-ohjelmaan ja kertoo miksi ei. Suosittelisin lämpimästi its…
RT @jmcurtin: Is the Paris Agreement @COP24 DOOMed because ALL parties are failing to meet their commitments? #Katowice #COP24 No, not al…
RT @DLBiller: Brazil's federal police get unrestricted access of investigation into killing of Rio councilwoman Marielle Franco. Brazil's…
RT @niksibotti: Pensasmustikalla saa rypistyneen vaatteen helposti sileäksi. Kumpikin saa välillä erilaista kuosia liinavaatteisiin makuuhu…