Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @ReisingerAndy: If you haven't had time to read the #IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees, here is my attempt to provide…
RT @ClimateGroup: A new report revels 42% of global coal capacity is currently unprofitable, and the United States could save $78 billion b…
RT @StepTJ: Vedän tämän hölmön twiittini takaisin ja pyydän vielä toistamiseen anteeksi Otolta ja kumppaneilta. Syyllistyin tässä itse #Fak…
RT @mustapipa: Why the fuck do we have leaders who let oil companies write climate agreements?
RT @rubyhamad: What kind of a sicko climbs 4,000 metres in the Himalayas just to kill a ram for the fun of it? I cannot believe what I just…
RT @MichaelEMann: There IS an axis of evil in the world. It is the fossil-fueled triumvirate of Trump, Putin and Saudi Arabia who have coll…
RT @samesmail: So basically “country first” can be translated to “be an asshole to everyone that’s different from you.”…
RT @yleuutiset: Opioidilääkkeet aiheuttaneet huume-epidemian Nigeriassa: “Jopa raskaana olevat naiset ovat lääkekoukussa”…
RT @raju: A Photographer Goes Missing in China via @NYTimes
RT @tdbem: porra claro que o bolsonaro acha que ser patrão no brasil é muito difícil. só de salário o motorista ganhava 23 mil e ainda pedi…
RT @teemumeronen: Politiikka on valintoja. Nykyään ilmastonmuutos näkyy kaikilla juhlapuheissa, mutta teot ratkaisevat. Järkyttävää, että K…
RT @zunguzungu: The 306 words Trump has written about Rex Tillerson on twitter:
RT @YoniFreedhoff: Naming wise, I think Yersinia Trumpis has a nice ring to it.
RT @AnnaVuorjoki: Seksuaalisen väkivallan ehkäiseminen on kaikkien yhteinen asia. Jos turvapaikanhakijoista ryhmänä tehdään syntipukki, est…
RT @YousefMunayyer: The idea that a tiny fraction of the world's population, unable even to achieve statehood, is somehow pulling the puppe…
RT @AatosVerkko: Havainnollistus; tuollainen pinta-ala suoluontoa päätettiin lanata sileäksi, lorottaa humus vesistöihin ja polttaa varasto…
RT @SamCowie84: Breaking: Brazil president elect's son leaves whatsapp group when questioned about financial irregularities…
RT @graceblakeley: I’m very much enjoying liberals ignoring the fact that 100 companies are responsible for 70% of emissions and cheerleadi…
RT @theintercept: Jeremy Hammond helped expose how the American Petroleum Institute hired the private intelligence firm @Stratfor to spy on…
RT @WolfieChristl: What Google, FB and 'adtech' firms still call 'advertising', has morphed into something else. …as described in this ind…
RT @APC_News: Myanmar Digital Rights Film Screening, organised by @myanmarido and @EngageMedia - Get ready for a #digitalrightsMM event for…
RT @Info_Activism: A Map That Tracks Everything - Blockchain-based mapping hopes to replace GPS. Can it be trusted?
RT @SannaRaitaaho: Turkkia puhuva protestoija Ranskassa huutaa Turkin valtion kanavan toimittajalle: "Kotimaassanne ette kuvaa mitään prote…
RT @raju: The Case for Letting Malibu Burn. Revisited.
RT @Info_Activism: Zuckerberg must end far right's fundraising on Facebook