Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

Köyhille risuja, kun ovat olleet niin kiltisti.
RT @OliverStuenkel: Fearing the erosion of democracy, Brazilian journalists, opposition politicians, academics and NGOs try to learn from t…
RT @crisvector: Esse meme precisa de atualização
RT @crisvector: Esse meme precisa de atualização
RT @FaiMujer: White supremacists & other far-right nazis have killed more people in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001, than any other…
RT @vasemmisto: .@liandersson: Tuoreet tiedot osoittavat, että aktiivimalli on epäonnistunut. Se on leikannut erityisesti iäkkäiltä työttöm…
RT @biret: SK: Kommentti: Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö tekee nykyään uutiset median puolesta
RT @O_Tiainen: No ny! #ilmastomarssi Hesarin piparikisassa! #nytonpakko
RT @manuelaandreoni: Police executing search and arrest warrants in connection to Marielle Franco’s case. It's been 274 days since her murd…
RT @domphillips: Same-sex couples rush to altar ahead of Bolsonaro inauguration. Great story by @AnnaJKaiser
RT @socioambiental: Apesar da devastação ter avançado em algumas regiões, essas áreas protegidas continuam sendo a principal barreira que i…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Syria's government is using an anti-terrorism law to seize property from dissidents and their families as it takes bac…
RT @sellaro: "Organizations that monitor the health of democracies are converging around a similar idea: On average, the world is becoming…
RT @SSoimakallio: Korkotason valinnan vaikutus Suomen metsien hiilinielun referenssitasoon on huima, 22-45 Mt CO2a-1, kertoo @LukeFinland.…
RT @malugaspar: Ex-funcionário de Flávio Bolsonaro passou 248 dias no exterior e recebia salário da Alerj - Jornal O Globo…
RT @BryanDruzin: As of 2016, the top 10% of families (those who have at least $942,000) hold 76% of total wealth in the US.…
RT @drmichellelarue: I'm going to be vulnerable for a minute here and admit, fully, that it's really hard to remain optimistic as a polar s…
RT @hsfi: Mies joutui raiskauksesta vankilaan väärän ilmiannon perusteella – korkein oikeus purki tuomion
RT @neetainari: Samaan aikaan toisaalla: ”Suuri osa uusista maksuhäiriömerkinnöistä tulee julkisoikeudellisista maksuista, kuten tarkastusm…
RT @JussiPullinen: Nykymeno: Kasvoja tunnistavat kamerat kuvasivat Taylor Swift -konsertin kävijät, tavoite turvafirmalla tunnistaa joukost…
RT @teemuhallamaa: Meidän sukupolvemme on sössinyt ihmiskunnan yksityisyyden – Näin sanoo F-Securen Mikko Hyppönen, joka kokeili elää ilman…
RT @B00gerh3ad: What did I say? "The NRA, relying on an arm of the group that is not required to disclose its donors, spent more than $30 m…
Kun on naista tyopaikoista pulaa, niin minusta sellainen Hunger Games -malli toimisi rekrytoinnissa. Highlander oli…
RT @Dimmu141: Toivottavasti seuraavaa hallitus perua tätä farssia.
RT @selflearners: Thank you Žemaičių Saulutė for daring and caring to speak the truth!
RT @cr_harper: This is almost unbearably heartbreaking via @BW
RT @msantoro1978: Google divulgou hoje que a pergunta mais frequente feita no site por brasileiros em 2018 foi "O que é fascismo?". Se você…
RT @anneapplebaum: Pepper spray and rocks being thrown in Budapest tonight. Crowd chanting "dictator" at Orban, the Hungarian prime ministe…
RT @MaryHeglar: I will admit that sometimes the climate crisis feels overwhelming and fighting it feels futile. And then, I remember these…
RT @ninalakhani: Nicaragua: President Daniel Ortega cancels the legal registration of long-standing human rights organisation @cenidh. You…