Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @PetraLaiti: Anne Berner sanoo, että tilaisuutta dialogiin on tarjottu. Saamelaiskäräjät sanoo, että kokousmateriaalit olivat puutteelli…
RT @ptkarvinen: Jos puhutaan ihmisten näköalattomuudesta, niin tämä "30 vuoden päästä bensa-autot kielletään, miten minä pääsen Volvollani…
RT @MST_Oficial: No Ceará, MST realiza I Copa Estadual da Reforma Agrária
Com abertura oficial que deve reunir cerca de 5 mil pessoas no p…
RT @raju: Depressing. Nearly all sexual harassment at work in US goes unreported – and those who do report often see zero benefit https://t…
RT @proindio: Observatório Terras Quilombolas: Direitos quilombolas em foco
RT @amnestyfinland: 7-vuotias tyttö menehtyi ilmeisesti nestehukkaan ja shokkiin pian sen jälkeen kun USA:n viranomaiset olivat ottaneet hä…
RT @rgatess: The entire N. Pacific ocean surface is showing large heat anomalies right now.
RT @leninsgf: "Why is academia so elitist?" Find out in this journal only £65 to rent for an hour
RT @biret: Länsirintamalta ei mitään uutta. Yle Sápmi: Jäämeren radan jatkotoimia koskeva selvitys valmistumassa – Saamelaiskäräjät: "Saame…
RT @BrazilianReport: Read about the first corruption scandal of the Jair Bolsonaro administration (even before his inauguration).
RT @mustapipa: The deep biosphere—the zone of life underneath earth's surface—has a volume of between 2 and 2.3 billion cubic kilometers. T…
RT @TheInterceptBr: As milícias ganharam um reforço: criadores da Liga da Justiça - suspeitos de envolvimento no plano para assassinar o de…
RT @MalcolmNance: This administration is evil.
RT @FaiMujer: How the Iroquois Great Law of Peace Shaped U.S. Democracy: The Iroquois Confederacy, founded by the Great Peacemaker in 1142,…
RT @UltsiP: Oon jotenkin käsittänyt #Tinder konseptin ihan toisenlaiseksi.
RT @malugaspar: Milicianos mataram Marielle por causa de terras, diz general - Brasil - Estadão
RT @demori: As milícias tomaram conta do Rio e são hoje uma força brutal que domina grande parte da cidade, sobretudo na Zona Oeste. Veja o…
RT @jayasax: This is why unions are important
RT @JSandlerClarke: Children are responding to @GretaThunberg's call for a mass school walkout to protest climate inaction with a 'sing-in'…
RT @Survival: #Bolsonaro plans to put #Brazil’s indigenous affairs dept under the control of Damares Alves, a founder of Atini, the evangel…
RT @Survival: Help! We have 3 weeks left to prevent the #genocide of the #uncontacted Kawahiva people in this video. Please RT or tweet @Ju…
Brazil: Uncontacted indigenous groups threatened when Funai is proposed to be moved under a new ministry headed by…
RT @TJoke: TIedättekö mikä ei ole robotti ja ei osaa tanssia?
Venäläinen tanssiva robotti.
RT @rogeriotomazjr: Assassinaram Marielle Franco.
Planejam há anos matar o Marcelo Freixo.
O dep Luiz Couto (PT) só anda sob escolta na Par…
RT @IFEX: To ensure that the use of new technologies does not result in any harm, humanitarian organisations must develop and implement app…
RT @domphillips: This expose on the personal trainer to TV stars who was simultaneously on payroll as Jair Bolsonaro's Congress secretary h…
RT @k0a1a: Our Vending Private Network piece is currently shown at @NeMeOrg Limassol
RT @IHLaking: worth the wait 👌🏼
RT @mustapipa: HS julkaistu uutisen syvällä kallioperässä jalkojemme alla esiintyvästä elämästä. Hesariin juttu on kuitenkin vain tilaajill…
RT @hsmattila: Katse söpöistä eläimistä maan alle, jossa onkin suurin osa elämästä. Maankuoren elämänmuotojen (mm.sienet, virukset, arkeoni…