Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @opinioso: Poxa vida, quem poderia imaginar que tenha havido abuso de poder religioso na eleição do youtuber do Bolsonaro.…
RT @CiaraLongBrazil: Freixo led a parliamentary inquiry into local politicians' involvement with militias a decade ago. Marielle was workin…
RT @carapanarana: "Bebês em gaiolas não foram um “erro” de Trump, mas um teste de marketing para a barbárie."
RT @deolhonoagro: Via Brasil de Fato - " Este ano, foram autorizadas mais de 150 ações judiciais de despejo contra acampamentos do MST, um…
RT @grimtigger: The median junior congressional staffer earns less than D.C. minimum wage. @timlapira and I look at how Congress exploits y…
RT @ciminacional: O IV Encontro de Educação e Saúde Indígena do Amazonas intensificou, de 12 a 14 de dezembro, a análise e estratégias de a…
RT @fchollet: Many problems seem to come from the literal application of a rule while forgetting the purpose of the rule. The purpose of a…
RT @DoctorVive: “What’s important is getting those 70% to feel their conviction fiercely, to elevate action on climate change to a first-or…
RT @TANCBay: This week we target a landlord who told one of their black tenants that they “devalue” the property when they sit on their sto…
RT @b_novak: Hungary’s parliament right now
RT @mattyrichy: This week a popular Rio politician and mayoral runner-up was targeted in an assassination plot by powerful militias, which…
The King of Roraima wants it all brown
RT @JornalismoWando: "Se eu fosse Rei de Roraima, em 20 anos o estado teria uma economia semelhante a do Japão", delirou Jair Bolsonaro
RT @sensacionalista: Bolsonaro ganha “Idiota do Ano” na França e Brasil já é campeão no seu governo
RT @FoEint: We stand in solidarity with @MST_Oficial in condemning the December 8 murders of defenders of territories José Bernado da Silva…
@joonaslinkola @toivohaimi Haluaisin kovasti nähdä DATASAAB 66:n
RT @joonaslinkola: Saanko esitellä: Suomen ensimmäinen pankkiautomaatti vuodelta 1978. Merkki on #DATASAAB.
RT @cynaramenezes: a ~vítima~ damares alves, a fanática ministra de bolsonaro, já foi acusada de SEQUESTRAR CRIANÇAS INDÍGENAS. é essa gent…
RT @AAPremlall: If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise rooted, like trees. — Rainer Maria Rilke, The Book of Hours
RT @cynaramenezes: ministra dos ~direitos humanos~ de tosconaro fez filme sobre "infanticídio indígena" onde mente descaradamente, estigmat…
RT @OttoBruun: Euroopassa on tämän uutisen jälkeen pian enää yksi maa, joka polttaa turvetta energiaksi. Arvaa mikä? #NytOnPakko lopettaa.…
RT @MuseWendi: back in august of last year, Marielle Franco publicly called out Marcello Siciliano, the man now suspected of having orchest…
RT @anttiyr: "Vika koskee myös kuvia, jotka käyttäjä on ladannut Facebookiin, mutta jättänyt julkaisematta."
RT @Info_Activism: Holistic Security - A Strategy Manual for Human Rights Defenders - Portuguese Version - Brazil based organisation Marisc…
RT @fturner: My essay "Machine Politics: The rise of the internet and a new age of authoritarianism" just published by @Harpers. Proudly aw…
RT @Info_Activism: Tinder, Grindr, Happn, OKCupid, Match, eHarmony...there are so many dating services out there. Try out the Data Detox Bo…